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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

Publication of the indicative calendar of reserve maintenance periods for 2008

25 May 2007

The European Central Bank (ECB) is today publishing the indicative calendar of reserve maintenance periods for 2008.

Taking into account the 2008 schedule for the meetings of the Governing Council of the ECB (see the ECB press release of 30 March 2007) and the indicative calendar for the Eurosystem’s tender operations in 2008 (see the ECB press release published today), the indicative calendar of reserve maintenance periods for 2008 is as follows:

Indicative calendar of maintenance periods for 2008

MP Relevant Governing Council meeting Start of maintenance period End of maintenance period Reserve base data for credit institutions reporting monthly Reserve base data for credit institutions reporting quarterly Length of the maintenance period (days)
1 10 January 2008 16 January 2008 12 February 2008 November 2007 September 2007 28
2 7 February 2008 13 February 2008 11 March 2008 December 2007 September 2007 28
3 6 March 2008 12 March 2008 15 April 2008 January 2008 December 2007 35
4 10 April 2008 16 April 2008 13 May 2008 February 2008 December 2007 28
5 8 May 2008 14 May 2008 10 June 2008 March 2008 December 2007 28
6 5 June 2008 11 June 2008 8 July 2008 April 2008 March 2008 28
7 3 July 2008 9 July 2008 12 August 2008 May 2008 March 2008 35
8 7 August 2008 13 August 2008 9 September 2008 June 2008 March 2008 28
9 4 September 2008 10 September 2008 7 October 2008 July 2008 June 2008 28
10 2 October 2008 8 October 2008 11 November 2008 August 2008 June 2008 35
11 6 November 2008 12 November 2008 9 December 2008 September 2008 June 2008 28
12 4 December 2008 10 December 2008 20 January 2009 October 2008 September 2008 42

Banc Ceannais Eorpach

Stiúrthóireacht Cumarsáide

Ceadaítear atáirgeadh ar choinníoll go n-admhaítear an fhoinse.

An Oifig Preasa

Úsáideann ár suíomh gréasáin fianáin

Bainimid úsáid as fianáin fheidhmiúla chun roghanna úsáideora a stóráil; fianáin tríú páirtí arna socrú ag seirbhísí tríú páirtí atá comhtháite sa suíomh gréasáin.

Tá sé de rogha agat glacadh leo nó iad a dhiúltú. Le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise nó chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar do rogha maidir leis na fianáin agus na logaí freastalaí a úsáidimid, iarraimid ort an méid seo a leanas a dhéanamh:

Léigh ár ráiteas príobháideachais

Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoin gcaoi a n-úsáidimid fianáin