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ECB appoints Christian Schäfer as digital euro scheme rulebook manager

5 December 2022

Christian Schäfer takes up the role of digital euro scheme rulebook manager and will lead the work on the digital euro rulebook. As chair of the Rulebook Development Group, he will report to the digital euro programme manager in the Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payments (DG-MIP).

Since the ECB Governing Council’s decision to launch the investigation phase of a digital euro project, the Eurosystem has explored various options for the distribution of a digital euro. A digital euro scheme has been identified as being best suited to achieve the objectives of a digital euro and harness the strengths of the public and private sectors. To this end, DG-MIP started to look for a senior expert from the payments industry to manage the work and coordinate the group that will draft a potential digital euro scheme rulebook, i.e. a set of rules for payment transactions with a digital euro.

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