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Public consultation on the draft ECB regulation on statistical reporting requirements for pension funds

The European Central Bank (ECB) has finalised the regulation on statistical reporting requirements for pension funds. The new regulation, published on 19 February 2018, is aimed at increasing transparency and improving data comparability in this fast-growing sector of the financial industry.

During a public consultation on the draft regulation held from 26 July to 29 September 2017, 13 comments from interested parties were received. These comments have been taken into account in the final regulation.

Below are links to the regulation, a feedback statement giving an overview and general assessment of the comments received, the individual comments submitted and other documents relating to the public consultation.

Public hearing
Comments received
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft für betriebliche Altersversorgung e.V. (aba); Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufsständischer Versorgungseinrichtungen e. V. (ABV), Arbeitsgemeinschaft kommunale und kirchliche Altersversorgung e.V. (AKA) Excel
  • AEIP - European Association of Paritarian Insitutions Excel
  • APG Asset Management Excel
  • Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände Excel
  • Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) Pension Fund Excel
  • German Insurance Association (GDV) Excel
  • Irish Association of Pension Funds (IAPF) Excel PDF
  • Mercer Ireland Excel
  • Pensioenfederatie (Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds) Excel
  • PensionsEurope Excel
  • PensioPlus Excel
  • Registrar of Occupational Retirement Benefit Funds, Cyprus Excel
  • The Finnish Pension Funds (association) Excel

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