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The transformative power of AI: economic implications and challenges

Tuesday, 1 and Wednesday, 2 April 2025

European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main

Recent advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform our economies, from providing workers with new productivity-enhancing tools to enabling businesses to optimise their pricing strategies in new ways. However, AI-powered technologies also raise ethical and regulatory concerns. Given this ambivalence, a better understanding is needed of the economic implications and challenges associated with AI. 

If you would like to physically attend the AI Workshop or the Conference please contact AI-conference@ecb.europa.eu.


Live webstream


* indicates the speaker

Tuesday, 1 April 2025

AI workshop

ECB staff presentations on AI-related work. Participants attending the conference in person are welcome to join the workshop. The workshop will be followed by a buffet lunch.

The AI workshop will take place in a different venue to the conference, i.e. in room C2.06.


Start of conference

Registration and Coffee


Welcome address

Christine Lagarde, ECB


Keynote speech: The transformative power of AI—uses and applications of a new general-purpose technology

Kristina McElheran, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management


Coffee break


Session 1
How is AI transforming the labour market?

Session chair: Luc Laeven, ECB 

AI, task changes in jobs, and worker reallocation

  • Christina Gathmann*, LISER, University of Luxembourg and CEPR
  • Felix Grimm, LISER
  • Erwin Winkler, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, IZA and LASER

Discussant: Antonio Dalla Zuanna, Banca d'Italia


AI adoption and the demand for managerial expertise

  • Liudmila Alekseeva*, KU Leuven
  • José Azar, University of Navarra and IESE Business School
  • Mireia Giné, IESE Business School
  • Sampsa Samila, IESE Business School

Discussant: Juan F. Jimeno, Banco de España 


End of first conference day


Reception with introductory remarks and keynote speech followed by dinner – by invitation only

Introductory remarks

Philip R. Lane, ECB

Keynote speech: AI research for climate change and environmental sustainability

Claire Monteleoni, INRIA and University of Colorado

Wednesday, 2 April 2025

Registration and coffee


Keynote speech: AI and the outlook for productivity

Jonathan Haskel, Imperial College London


Coffee break


Session 2
Is this time different? Will AI have a significant effect on productivity?

Session chair: Oscar Arce, ECB 

Generative AI and firm-level productivity: evidence from startup funding dynamics

Dominik Asam* and David Heller, both Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

Discussant: Paul E. Soto, Federal Reserve Board 


Generative AI and the nature of work

  • Manuel Hoffmann*, Harvard Business School and Stanford University
  • Sam Boysel, Harvard Business School
  • Frank Nagle, Harvard Business School
  • Sida Peng, Microsoft 
  • Kevin Xu, GitHub 

Discussant: Peter Gal, OECD 


Buffet lunch


Session 3
Does AI matter for monetary policy?

Session chair: Massimo Rostagno, ECB 

Implications of AI usage for financial stability: evidence from AI-driven investment funds identified by generative AI amid interest rate hikes

Joe Ho-Yeung Wong*, Victor Pak-Ho Leung and Siru Lu, all Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Discussant: Shams Pathan, Newcastle University 


Simulating the Survey of professional forecasters

  • Sophia Kazinnik*, Stanford HAI
  • Anne Lundgaard Hansen, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
  • John J. Horton, MIT Sloan School of Management
  • Daniela Puzzello, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Ali Zarifhonarvar, Indiana University Bloomington

Discussant: Michael Ehrmann, ECB


Coffee break


Policy roundtable
Making the most of AI: how to foster diffusion and address risks?

Moderator: tbd

  • Marcus Brunnermeier, Princeton University
  • Jesús Fernández Villaverde, University of Pennsylvania
  • Bertin Martens, Bruegel
  • Filiz Unsal, OECD

Concluding remarks

Oscar Arce, ECB


End of conference

This programme may be subject to change without notice.

Audiovisual notice: A photographer will be present at the event taking photographs for our internet / intranet webpage. If you prefer not to have your photograph taken, please approach the photographer directly. The event may be filmed and the video recording, or parts of it, may be published on the internet / intranet.

General information


European Central Bank
Press Room (C5.01) 
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main




Participants are requested to arrange their own transfers, unless indicated otherwise.

Organising committee
  • Katarzyna Budnik
  • Clare Childs
  • Jeanette Cramer
  • António Dias da Silva
  • Maximilian Freier
  • Guzmán González-Torres
  • Paloma Lopez-Garcia
  • Peter McAdam
  • Wolfgang Modery
  • Nico Zorell

all ECB
