- 20/01/2025
ECB - Art consultancy services (OJ S 39581-2025) (For registration use additional document)
Notice : (2025-ojs013-00039581-en)
- 17/01/2025
Contract award notice: Provision of Consultancy for Treasury Management Systems (34976-2025)
Notice : (2025-ojs012-00034976-en)
- 17/12/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Family Care and administrative support services (771858-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs245-00771858-en)
- 02/12/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Publication Production Works (734547-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs234-00734547-en-ts)
- 29/11/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of of IPR Agent Services - (727609-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs232-00727609-en-ts)
- 25/11/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Event Agency Services for the annual ECB Forum on Central Banking (EFCB) - (718378-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs229-00718378-en-ts)
- 13/11/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Interpretation Services (692177-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs221-00692177-en-ts)
- 11/11/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Research and experimental development services – Banknote Perceptual Experience and Counterfeit Discrimination - 3 Lots (685781-2024)
Notice : (685781-2024-en)
- 05/11/2024
1 January to 31 December 2019: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_inter-institutional_framework_agreements19)
- 05/11/2024
1 January to 31 December 2020: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_inter-institutional_framework_agreements2020)
- 05/11/2024
1 January to 31 December 2021: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_inter-institutional_framework_agreements21.en)
- 05/11/2024
1 January to 31 December 2022: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_inter-institutional_framework_agreements22.en)
- 05/11/2024
1 January to 31 December 2023: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_inter-institutional_framework_agreements23.en)
- 27/09/2024
Prior information notice: ECB - Expert assessments for on-site inspections and internal model investigations for the Single Supervisory Mechanism (573724-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs186-00573724-en-ts)
- 16/09/2024
ECB Market Survey for Translation Services: Croatian (HR) - Reference: HR-2024-MS
Notice : (00._hr_market_survey_notice_2024)
- 16/09/2024
ECB Market Survey for Translation Services: Finnish (FI) - Reference: FI-2024-MS
Notice : (00._fi_market_survey_notice_2024_1)
- 19/08/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Natural Gas Supply for the ECB's Main Building (496067-2024)
Notice : (pro-009818-cn_as_pubished_on_the_ojeu_-_2024-ojs160-00496067-en)
- 19/08/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Event Agency Management Works and Services in Frankfurt (495309-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs160-00495309-en-ts)
- 16/08/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Executive Education Services (493855-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs159-00493855-en-ts)
- 31/07/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Services and Works for the ECB Visitor Centre (ViC) – Creative and Maintenance
Notice : (2024-ojs148-00459476-en)
- 26/07/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Negotiated tender procedure for the provision of office supplies, toner cartridges and paper (450960-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs145-00450960-en-ts_1)
- 19/07/2024
Contract award notice: ECB - Installation services of radio, television, sound and video equipment – Audio/Media Services and Rental of Technical Equipment (140/2024 19/07/2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs140-00434612-en-ts)
- 18/07/2024
Contract Notice: Provision of Non-Statutory Audit works and Services, and Quality assurance works and services on asset quality reviews (139/2024 18/07/2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs139-00433076-en-ts)
- 16/07/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Maintenance Services of Lifts in the ECB’s Main Building (424127-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs137-00424127-en-ts)
- 02/07/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Learning and development services and tools (393216-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs127-00393216-en-ts)
- 01/07/2024
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2023
Notice : (contracts_awarded_without_publication_of_a_notice_2023)
- 01/07/2024
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2018
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice18)
- 01/07/2024
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2020
Notice : (list_of_contracts_2020_for_supplier_section)
- 01/07/2024
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2021
Notice : (list_of_contracts_2021_for_supplier_section.en)
- 01/07/2024
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2022
Notice : (list_of_contracts_2022_for_supplier_section)
- 01/07/2024
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2019
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice2019)
- 10/06/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Online Testing and Proctoring (341419-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs111-00341419-en-ts)
- 05/06/2024
Contract notice: ECB - Publication Production Works (332338-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs108-00332338-en-ts)
- 04/06/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of consultancy for Treasury Management Systems (328383-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs107-00328383-en-ts)
- 16/05/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Leadership Development Services (288377-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs095-00288377-en-ts)
- 16/05/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Medical Advisory and Review Services
Notice : (2024-ojs095-00288675-en)
- 06/05/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Editing in English of Supervisory, Financial and Economic Documents and Related Works and Services (265874-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs088-00265874-en-ts)
- 03/05/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Audiovisual Communications & Multichannel Campaigns (265086-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs087-00265086-en)
- 19/04/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Human Resources Leadership Assessment Services (232137-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs078-00232137-en-ts_1)
- 02/04/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) (191512-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs065-00191512-en-ts)
- 26/03/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Banknote Perception Studies (180721-2024)
Notice : (180721-2024-en)
- 08/03/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Transportation Services (141726-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs049-00141726-en-ts)
- 08/03/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Staff Info Point and Other Staff Information and Integration Services (141730-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs049-00141730-en-ts)
- 01/03/2024
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Temporary Accommodation (126712-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs044-00126712-en-ts)
- 27/02/2024
ECB Market Survey for Translation Services: Irish (GA) - Reference: GA-2024-MS
Notice : (ga_market_survey_notice_2024)
- 20/02/2024
Change Contract Notice: ECB - Digital euro - Alias Lookup (105708-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs036-00105708-en-ts)
- 06/02/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Consultancy Services for Engagement Surveys (pulse surveys) (78025-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs042-00123497-en-ts)
- 30/01/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - End-User Computing and Data IT Infrastructure Managed Services (60740-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs021-00060740-en)
- 29/01/2024
Change to Contract Notice: ECB - Digital euro – Secure Exchange of Payment Information (58637-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs020-00058637-en)
- 25/01/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – ACCIDENT INSURANCE SERVICES (51333-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs018-051333-en)
- 16/01/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Translation Services - Provision of Legal Translation and other related activities in several EU official languages (CS, DA, EL, ES, ET, FI, LT, LV, NL, PT, SV) - (30291-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs011-030291-en)
- 12/01/2024
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Audit and Investigative Services (Lots 1-3) (2024/S 009-019286)
Notice : (2024-ojs009-019286-en)
- 04/01/2024
Change Contract Notice: ECB - Digital euro - Risk and Fraud Management (57434-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs020-00057434-en)
- 04/01/2024
Change Contract Notice: ECB - Digital euro - App and SDK (5165-2024)
Notice : (pro-009488_digital_euro_-_app_and_sdk_-_change_notice_-_cn_-_5165-2024)
- 04/01/2024
Change Contract Notice: ECB - Digital euro - Offline solution (58107-2024)
Notice : (2024-ojs020-00058107-en)
- 03/01/2024
Contract Notice: ECB - Digital euro - Alias Lookup (3825-2024)
Notice : (pro-009485_digital_euro_-_alias_lookup_-_cn_3825-2024)
- 02/01/2024
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Façade Maintenance Works (2024/S 001-000263)
Notice : (2024-ojs001-000263-en)
- 22/12/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Catering Services (2023-OJS247-781083-en)
Notice : (2023-ojs247-781083-en)
- 22/12/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Translation of Financial and Economic Documents from English into Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), Estonian (ET), French (FR), German (DE), Italian (IT), Slovenian (SL) and Swedish (SV) (2023/S 247-780600)
Notice : (2023-ojs247-780600-en)
- 14/12/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – ffsetting of the ECB's Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2023/S 241-756326)
Notice : (2023-ojs241-756326-en)
- 11/12/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Legal Translation and Other Related Activities in German, Irish and Slovak (2023/S 238-748024)
Notice : (2023-ojs238-748024-en)
- 24/11/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Crisis Management Consultancy Services (2023/S 227-714998)
Notice : (2023-ojs227-714998-en)
- 21/11/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Legal Translation and Other Related Activities in several EU Official Languages (Bulgarian, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian) (2023/S 224-705647)
Notice : (2023-ojs224-705647-en)
- 21/11/2023
Contract Notice: ECB Medical Advisory and Review Services (Corrigendum 2023-OJS224-707089)
Notice : (2023-ojs224-707089-en)
- 20/11/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Statutory Audit of the ECB’s Annual Accounts, Compliance Checks Regarding Private Financial Activities and Actuarial Services for the ECB’s Pension Arrangements (2023/S 223-702318)
Notice : (2023-ojs223-702318-en)
- 17/11/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Electrical Power Supply for Electrical Power Supply for the ECB Premises (2023/S 222-700294)
Notice : (2023-ojs222-700294-en)
- 17/11/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of IPR Agent Services (Corrigendum 2023-OJS222-700466)
Notice : (2023-ojs222-700466-en)
- 15/11/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Consultancy Services Certified Experts (2023/S 220-693686)
Notice : (2023-ojs220-693686-en)
- 14/11/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Consultancy Services (Lot 1) for FM Business Processes, Data Migration, Data Management and (Lot 2) for CAD, Data Management Support for Construction and Engineering Drawings and Document (2023/S 219-688846)
Notice : (2023-ojs219-688846-en)
- 10/11/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Waste Collection, Recycling and Disposal Services (All ECB Buildings) (2023/S 217-681498)
Notice : (2023-ojs217-681498-en)
- 07/11/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Audio/Media Services and Rental of Technical Equipment (2023/S 214-675053)
Notice : (2023-ojs214-675053-en)
- 02/11/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Performance of Internet-based consumer expectations survey (CES) (665862-2023)
Notice : (2023-ojs211-665862-en)
- 28/09/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Childcare Services ‘Knoppschachtel’ (2023/S 187-583548)
Notice : (2023-ojs187-583548-en)
- 04/09/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of editing in English of supervisory, financial and economic documents and related works and services (2023/S 169-530701)
Notice : (2023-ojs169-530701-en)
- 25/08/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Electrical Power Supply for the ECB Premises (2023/S 163-513014)
Notice : (2023-ojs163-513014-en)
- 25/07/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Relocation Services in Frankfurt am Main (2023/S 141-449955)
Notice : (2023-ojs141-449955-en)
- 18/07/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Cleaning Services (All ECB Premises) (2023/S 136-433806)
Notice : (2023-ojs136-433806-en)
- 26/06/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Legal Revision and Other Related Activities in English (2023/S 120-381229)
Notice : (2023-ojs120-381229-en)
- 09/06/2023
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of event agency management works and services in Frankfurt (2023/S 110-342813)
Notice : (2023-ojs110-342813-en)
- 26/05/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of legal translation activities from all official European Union languages into English (2023/S 101-316585)
Notice : (2023-ojs101-316585-en)
- 02/05/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Filming, Broadcasting and Production Services (2023/S 085-261447)
Notice : (2023-ojs085-261447-en)
- 07/04/2023
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Temporary Accommodation (2023/S 070-206504)
Notice : (2023-ojs070-206504-en)
- 07/04/2023
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Staff Info Point and Other Staff Information and Integration Services (2023/S 070-212069)
Notice : (2023-ojs070-212069-en)
- 07/04/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Business Travel Insurance (2023/S 070-214449)
Notice : (2023-ojs070-214449-en)
- 28/03/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Electrical Engineering Planning Services (2023/S 062-185348)
Notice : (2023-ojs062-185348-en)
- 24/03/2023
Contract notice: Provision of Relocation Services in Frankfurt am Main (2023/S 060-179203)
Notice : (2023-ojs060-179203-en)
- 22/03/2023
Contract Notice: ECB - Transportation Services (2023/S 058-171142)
Notice : (2023-ojs058-171142-en)
- 17/03/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Mechanical Engineering Planning Services (2023/S 055-164188)
Notice : (2023-ojs055-164188-en)
- 15/03/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Mobile Communication Services (SIM Card and related services) (2023/S 050-145546)
Notice : (2023-ojs050-145546-en)
- 03/03/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Design and Delivery of an ESCB and SSM Flagship Training Programme (2023/S 045-129537)
Notice : (2023-ojs045-129537-en)
- 28/02/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Flower Decoration (2023/S 042-124553)
Notice : (2023-ojs042-124553-en)
- 27/02/2023
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Knowledge Management Consultancy and Training Services (2023/S 041-120529)
Notice : (2023-ojs041-120529-en)
- 24/02/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Internal Mail Services (2023/S 040-113822)
Notice : (2023-ojs040-113822-en)
- 24/02/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Maintenance Green Area and Landscaping Works (2023/S 040-115557)
Notice : (2023-ojs040-115557-en)
- 24/02/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Architect and Building Consultants (2023/S 040-118018)
Notice : (2023-ojs040-118018-en)
- 20/02/2023
Call for competition for the selection of the Market Infrastructure Board non-central bank members and the creation of a reserve list (PRO-008792)
Notice : (oj_notice_and_call_for_competition)
- 10/02/2023
Translation services for Romanian language - Market Survey
Notice : (ro_market_survey_notice_27-02-2023)
- 30/01/2023
Corrigendum to Contract notice: Performance of the External Examinations of the TARGET Services (2023/S 021-059970)
Notice : (2023-ojs021-059970-en)
- 27/01/2023
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Catering Services for the ECB (2023/S 020-057166)
Notice : (2023-ojs020-057166-en)
- 24/01/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Supply of Books, Newspapers and Standing Orders (2023/S 017-047116)
Notice : (2023-ojs017-047116-en)
- 04/01/2023
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Equipment and Goods (2023/S 003-006323)
Notice : (can_as_published_2023-ojs003-006323-en)
- 03/01/2023
Contract notice: Performance of the External Examinations of the TARGET Services (2023/S 002-002372)
Notice : (2023-ojs002-002372-en)
- 23/12/2022
Corrigendum: ECB - Provision of Secure Logistics Services for Transporting Value Materials (2022/S 246-713461)
Notice : (2022-ojs248-723603-en)
- 21/12/2022
Prior information notice: ECB - Provision of Secure Logistics Services for Transporting Value Materials (2022/S 246-713461)
Notice : (2022-ojs246-713461-en)
- 21/12/2022
Prior information notice: ECB - Provision of Secure Logistics Services for Transporting Value Materials (2022/S 246-713461)
Notice : (2022-ojs246-713461-en_)
- 21/12/2022
Prior information notice: ECB - Provision of Secure Logistics Services for Transporting Value Materials (2022/S 246-713461)
Notice : (2022-ojs246-713461-en-1)
- 20/12/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Temporary Accommodation
Notice : (2022-ojs245-707419-en_pro-008396_can)
- 16/12/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Logistic Services (2022/S 243-699180)
Notice : (2022-ojs243-699180-en)
- 16/12/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Audit of the Target2-Securities Financial Statements (2022/S 243-699960)
Notice : (2022-ojs243-699960-en)
- 16/12/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Logistic Services (2022/S 243-699180)
Notice : (2022-ojs243-699180-en-1)
- 08/12/2022
Prior information notice: ECB - Provision of of supply, repair and maintain customized wheelchairs.
Notice : (wheelchair_pin)
- 02/12/2022
Prior information notice: ECB - Provision of Secure Logistics Services for Transporting Value Materials (2022/S 217-622215)
Notice : (2022-ojs217-622215-en_pin)
- 30/11/2022
Contract notice: Provision of legal translation and other related activities in several EU official languages (BG, FR, HR, HU, PL, RO, SL) (2022/S 231-666590)
Notice : (2022-ojs231-666590-en)
- 28/11/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Digital euro consultancy services (2022/S 229-660886)
Notice : (2022-ojs229-660886-en)
- 22/11/2022
Contract Award Notice - ECB - Building and Property Insurance Services (2022/S 225-648120)
Notice : (2022-ojs225-648120-en)
- 16/11/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services (Lot 1) for FM Business Processes, Data Migration, Data Management, and (Lot 2) for CAD, Data Management Support for Construction and Engineering Drawings and Documents (2022/S 221-636644)
Notice : (2022-ojs221-636644-en)
- 11/11/2022
Voluntary Contract notice: ECB - Provision of postal courier services
Notice : (voluntary_contract_notice_-_pro-006529)
- 11/11/2022
Voluntary Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of postal courier services
Notice : (vcn_-_pro-006529_provision_of_postal_courier_services)
- 10/11/2022
Prior information notice: ECB - Market Survey with a View to the Provision of Secure Logistics Services for Transporting Value Materials (2022/S 217-622215)
Notice : (2022-ojs217-622215-en)
- 07/11/2022
Corrigendum - Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Electronic Trading Platforms (ETP) 3 Lots (2022/S 214-612981)
Notice : (2022-ojs214-612981-en)
- 07/11/2022
Contract Notice: Provision of legal revision and other related activities in English. (2022/S 214-612982)
Notice : (2022-ojs214-612982-en)
- 31/10/2022
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Waste Collection, Recycling and Disposal Services (2022/S 210-599671)
Notice : (2022-ojs210-599671-en)
- 28/10/2022
Contract Award Notice - ECB - Provision of Electrical Network Planning and Calculations up to 12 kV Consultant (L7491) (2022/S 209-592935)
Notice : (2022-ojs209-592935-en)
- 21/10/2022
Market survey - PRO-005535 Guided tours ECB premises
Notice : (pro-005535_guided_tours_ecb_premises_-_market_survey)
- 19/10/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Construction Project Management Support (2022/S 202-573549)
Notice : (2022-ojs202-573549-en)
- 18/10/2022
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Audit and Investigative Services 3 Lots (2022/S 201-570503)
Notice : (2022-ojs201-570503-en)
- 12/10/2022
Contract award notice: External Support for On-site Missions (2022/S 197-557874)
Notice : (ecb_-_external_support_for_on-site_missions_197-557874)
- 21/09/2022
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of flower decoration (2022/S 181-510912)
Notice : (2022-ojs181-510912-en)
- 21/09/2022
Contract Notice Corrigendum: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services Certified Experts (2022/S 159-451650
Notice : (2022-ojs182-513704-en)
- 20/09/2022
Contract notice: Provision of Childcare Services ‘Knoppschachtel’ (2022/S 181-510913)
Notice : (2022-ojs181-510913-en_pro-005491)
- 13/09/2022
Contract award notice: Provision of Banking Supervision Learning Services (2022/S 176-496959)
Notice : (can_pro-007653_2022-ojs176-496959-en)
- 12/09/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Cleaning Services (All ECB Premises) (2022/S 175-494355)
Notice : (2022-ojs175-494355-en)
- 31/08/2022
Contract award notice: Crisis Communication Solution and Media Training Services (2022/S 167-472704)
Notice : (pro-006424_2022-ojs167-472704-en)
- 31/08/2022
Corrigendum to contract notice: Internet-based Consumer Expectations Survey (2022/S 167-472705)
Notice : (2022-ojs167-472705-en)
- 23/08/2022
Contract notice: Provision of an Employee Assistance Programme (2022/S 161-457854)
Notice : (can_pro-006474_2022-ojs161-457854-en)
- 22/08/2022
Contract award notice: Provision of Insurance Management Services (2022/S 160-455377)
Notice : (2022-ojs160-455377-en)
- 19/08/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services Certified Experts (2022/S 159-451650)
Notice : (2022-ojs159-451650-en)
- 19/08/2022
Corrigendum to contract notice: ECB - Business Travel Insurance (2022/S 159-451651)
Notice : (2022-ojs159-451651-en_1)
- 12/08/2022
Corrigendum to contract notice: Provision of Mobile Communication Services (SIM Card and related services) (2022/S 145-410969)
Notice : (corrigendum_-_2022-ojs155-438822-en)
- 12/08/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Business Travel Insurance (2022/S 155-438821)
Notice : (2022-ojs155-438821-en)
- 12/08/2022
Contract Notice - Provision of Temporary Accommodation (2022/S 155-438823)
Notice : (pro-008396_2022-ojs155-438823-en_provision_of_temporary_accomodation)
- 05/08/2022
Market Survey with a View to Preparing a Dynamic Purchasing System Relating to the Offsetting of the ECB's Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2022/S 150-425440)
Notice : (2022-ojs150-425440-en)
- 03/08/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Internet-based Consumer Expectations Survey (2022/S 148-422301)
Notice : (2022-ojs148-422301-en)
- 29/07/2022
Contract notice: Provision of Mobile Communication Services (SIM Card and related services) (2022/S 145-410969)
Notice : (2022-ojs145-410969-en)
- 29/07/2022
Contract notice: Provision of Supply of Books, Newspapers and Standing Orders (2022/S 145-410968)
Notice : (2022-ojs145-410968-en)
- 22/07/2022
Contract award notice: Provision of Media Monitoring and Analysis Services (OJ 2022/S 137-390793)
Notice : (can_2022-ojs137-390793-en_pro-006252)
- 20/07/2022
Corrigendum to contract notice: ECB - Design and Delivery of an ESCB and SSM Flagship Training Programme (2022/S 127-360146)
Notice : (2022-ojs138-393256-en-v2)
- 18/07/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Crisis Management Consultancy Services (2022/S 136-387813)
Notice : (2022-ojs136-387813-en)
- 13/07/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Filming, Broadcasting and Production Services (2022/S 133-377971)
Notice : (2022-ojs133-377971-en)
- 11/07/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Equipment and Goods (2022/S 131-372288)
Notice : (2022-ojs131-372288-en)
- 07/07/2022
Contract award notice: Performance of Surveys on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE) (2022/S 129-366394)
Notice : (2022-ojs129-366394-en)
- 05/07/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Design and Delivery of an ESCB and SSM Flagship Training Programme (2022/S 127-360146)
Notice : (2022-ojs138-393256-en)
- 29/06/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Administrative Temporary Labour
Notice : (pro-007666_2022-ojs123-348544-en)
- 20/06/2022
Corrigendum: ECB - Building and Property Insurance Services (2022/S 117-328865)
Notice : (2022-ojs117-328865-en)
- 10/06/2022
Corrigendum:ECB-Building and Property Insurance Services(2022/S 107-294682)
Notice : (2022-ojs107-294682-en)
- 03/06/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Suppliers' Audit (2022-OJS107-294681)
Notice : (2022-ojs107-294681-en)
- 23/05/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Search Services for Executive and Professional Levels (2022/S 099-272857)
Notice : (2022-ojs099-272857-en)
- 13/05/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Building and Property Insurance Services (2022/S 093-252212)
Notice : (2022-ojs093-252212-en)
- 06/05/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – External Support for On-site Missions - Lot 1: Expert Assessments for On-site Inspections and Internal Model Investigations (2022/S 089-238463)
Notice : (2022-ojs089-238463-en_can_pro-006194_lot_1)
- 22/04/2022
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of translation of financial and economic documents from English into Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), Estonian (ET), French (FR), German (DE), Italian (IT), Slovenian (SL) and Swedish (SV) (2022/S 079-210834)
Notice : (cn_2022-ojs079-210834-en_pro-006306)
- 15/04/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Electrical Engineering Planning Services (2022/S 075-197237)
Notice : (2022-ojs075-197237-en)
- 15/04/2022
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Mechanical Engineering Planning Services (2022/S 075-197235)
Notice : (2022-ojs075-197235-en)
- 15/04/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Architect and Building Consultants (2022/S 075-197236)
Notice : (pro-006303-2022-ojs075-197236-en)
- 13/04/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – SupTech Digital Transformation Delivery and the Exploration, Prototyping, Deployment and Training of Emerging Technologies (2022/S 073-193879)
Notice : (2022-ojs073-193879-en)
- 12/04/2022
Contract Notice: ECB – Audit of the Target2-Securities (T2S) Financial Statements (2022/S 072-191011)
Notice : (2022-ojs072-191011-en)
- 06/04/2022
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Managed Services and Works for the ECB Unified Communication and Collaboration (EUCC) Solutions (2022/S 068-178785)
Notice : (2022-ojs068-178785-en)
- 06/04/2022
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Business Clothes and Ancillary Services (2022/S 068-178784)
Notice : (2022-ojs068-178784-en)
- 05/04/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Electrical Network Planning and Calculations up to 12 kV Consultant (L7491)(2022/S 067-175929)
Notice : (2022-ojs067-175929-en)
- 17/03/2022
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Legal Translation in Italian and Maltese and Other Related Activities (2022/S 054-139564)
Notice : (pro-006442_2022-ojs054-139564-en)
- 14/03/2022
Contract notice: Provision of Banking Supervision Learning Services (2022/S 051-131604) (deadline extended)
Notice : (pro-007653_002022-ojs051-131604-en)
- 10/03/2022
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Services and Works in the Area of Communication (PRO-003000) Lot 2
Notice : (can_lot_2_2022-ojs049-125920-en)
- 08/03/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Maintenance Green Area and Landscaping Works (2022/S 047-120992)
Notice : (pro-006283_2022-ojs047-120992-en)
- 07/03/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Administrative Temporary Labour
Notice : (pro-007666_2022-ojs046-118341-en)
- 25/02/2022
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Maintenance Coordination Services for Physical Security System Environment (2022/S 040-099800)
Notice : (2022-ojs040-099800-en)
- 25/02/2022
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Planning and Coordination Services for Physical Security System Environment (2022/S 040-099801)
Notice : (2022-ojs040-099801-en)
- 25/02/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Digital euro consultancy services (2022/S 040-099799)
Notice : (2022-ojs040-099799-en)
- 31/01/2022
Contract notice: Provision of Crisis Communication Solution and Media Training Services
Notice : (2022-ojs021-050812-en_cn_006424)
- 28/01/2022
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of services for performance of surveys on the access to finance of enterprises (SAFE) (2022/S 020-045295)
Notice : (2022-ojs020-045295-en)
- 25/01/2022
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Travel Services (2022/S 017-039601)
Notice : (2022-ojs017-039601-en)
- 27/12/2021
Contract award notice: ECB - Travel Tracking System and Ancillary Services (2021/S 250-658602)
Notice : (2021-ojs250-658602-en)
- 27/12/2021
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of logistics and warehousing services (2021/S 250-658603)
Notice : (2021-ojs250-658603-en)
- 17/12/2021
Contract notice: Provision of an Employee Assistance Programme (2021/S 245-642522)
Notice : (2021-ojs245-642522-enpro_006474)
- 10/12/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Consultancy and Agency Services for Market Infrastructure and Payments (2021/S 240-628905)
Notice : (2021-ojs240-628905-en)
- 08/12/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Learning and Development Services in the Field of Data Science, Computer Science and Information and Communications Technology - Lot 1 (2021/S 238-625923)
Notice : (can_pro-005499_lot_1_2021-ojs238-625923-en)
- 24/11/2021
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Internal Mail Services (2021/S 228-598984)
Notice : (2021-ojs228-598984-en)
- 02/11/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – : Provision of Learning and Development Services in the Field of Data Science, Computer Science and Information and Communications Technology - Lot 2 (2021/S 212-557761)
Notice : (can_pro_005499_lot_2_-_2021-ojs212-557761-en)
- 02/11/2021
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Logistic Services (2021/S 212-557760)
Notice : (2021-ojs212-557760-en)
- 28/10/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Services and Works for Mobile Application Development and Maintenance (2021/S 210-548983)
Notice : (2021-ojs210-548983-en)
- 20/10/2021
Contract Notice Corrigendum: Provision of Printing Center Services (2021/S 204-531808)
Notice : (2021-ojs204-531808-en)
- 15/10/2021
Contract Notice: Provision of Printing Center Services (2021/S 201-520866)
Notice : (2021-ojs201-520866-en)
- 11/10/2021
Contract Notice Corrigendum: ECB - Provision of business clothes and ancillary services (2021/S 197-512510)
Notice : (2021-ojs197-512510-en)
- 04/10/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Legal Translation and Other Related Activities in Several EU Official Languages (2021/S 192-498584)
Notice : (2021-ojs192-498584-en)
- 17/09/2021
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of business clothes and ancillary services (2021/S 181-467530)
Notice : (2021-ojs181-467530-en)
- 16/09/2021
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Logistics and Warehousing Services (2021/S 179-464907)
Notice : (2021-ojs179-464907-en)
- 06/09/2021
Contract award notice: Purchase of Audio and Video Equipment and Related Services (2021/S 172-448178)
Notice : (2021-ojs172-448178-en)
- 01/09/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Interpretation Services (2021/S 169-440970)
Notice : (2021-ojs169-440970-en)
- 01/09/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Fitness Facility Services (2021/S 169-440971)
Notice : (2021-ojs169-440971-en)
- 25/08/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of IT Conceptual Consultancy Services (2021/S 164-430027)
Notice : (2021-ojs164-430027-en)
- 20/08/2021
Contract Award Notice: Online Competency Testing (2021/S 161-421571)
Notice : (2021-ojs161-421571-en_pro-004573)
- 20/08/2021
Contract Notice: Provision of Insurance Management Services (2021/S 161-421570)
Notice : (2021-ojs161-421570-en)
- 17/08/2021
Contract notice: Provision of Media Monitoring and Analysis Services (2021/S 158-417217)
Notice : (2021-ojs158-417217-en_pro-006252)
- 13/08/2021
Contract notice: Provision of Planning and Coordination Services for Physical Security System Environment (2021/S 156-410645)
Notice : (2021-ojs156-410645-en)
- 13/08/2021
Contract notice: Provision of Maintenance Coordination Services for Physical Security System Environment (2021/S 156-410644)
Notice : (2021-ojs156-410644-en)
- 05/08/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Family Care Services (2021/S 150-398480)
Notice : (2021-ojs150-398480-en)
- 30/07/2021
Contract notice: Provision of Search Services for Executive and Professional Levels (2021/S 146-384540)
Notice : (2021-ojs146-384540-en)
- 28/07/2021
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Supplier Audit Works and Services (2021/S 144-381691)
Notice : (cn_pro-004752_-_2021-ojs144-381691-en)
- 23/07/2021
Contract notice: Provision of Construction Project Management Support (2021/S 141-371585)
Notice : (cn_pro-006368_as_published_2021-ojs141-371585-en)
- 06/07/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Software Testing (PRO-004802)
Notice : (can_004802_2021-ojs128-338439-en)
- 17/06/2021
Translation services for Bulgarian language - Market Survey (deadline extended)
Notice : (bg_market_survey_notice_2021_-_extended_deadline)
- 16/06/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Services and Works for IT Application Delivery (2021/S 115-301073)
Notice : (can_it_applications_tender)
- 15/06/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of morning news briefings (2021/S 114-298362)
Notice : (can_005946__2021-ojs114-298362-en)
- 14/06/2021
Translation services for Maltese language - Market Survey
Notice : (mt_market_survey_notice_2021)
- 11/06/2021
Contract Notice: Provision of Legal Translation in Italian and Maltese and Other Related Activities (2021/S 112-290553)
Notice : (pro-006442_2021-ojs112-290553-en)
- 09/06/2021
Translation services for Latvian language - Market Survey (extended deadline)
Notice : (lv_market_survey_notice_2021_-_revised_deadline)
- 09/06/2021
Translation services for Finnish language - Market Survey
Notice : (fi_market_survey_notice_2021)
- 04/06/2021
Contract notice: ECB - PRO-006194 Provision of External Support for On-site Missions (2021/S 107-278184)
Notice : (cn_pro-006194_2021-ojs107-278184-en)
- 01/06/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of a New Information Architecture for the ECB Websites - Lot 2 (2021/S 104-272657)
Notice : (can_as_published_pro-003866__2021-ojs104-272657-en)
- 01/06/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Non-statutory Audit Works and Services and Quality Assurance Works and Services on Asset Quality Reviews (2021/S 104-272656)
Notice : (can_pro-004678__2021-ojs104-272656-en)
- 26/05/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Event Agency Services (2021/S 100-262675)
Notice : (2021-ojs100-262675-en)
- 26/05/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Consultancy Services for Financial Risk Management (2021/S 100-262674)
Notice : (2021-ojs100-262674-en)
- 26/05/2021
Translation services for Bulgarian language - Market Survey
Notice : (bg_market_survey_notice_2021)
- 19/05/2021
Translation services for Latvian language - Market Survey
Notice : (lv_market_survey_notice_2021)
- 19/05/2021
Translation services for Portuguese language - Market Survey
Notice : (pt_market_survey_notice_2021)
- 14/05/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Editing and Translation Services into English of Financial, Supervisory and Economic Documents and Related Services (2021/S 093-240146)
Notice : (pro-003865_can_2021-ojs093-240146-en)
- 11/05/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Services and Works in the Area of Communication (PRO-003000) Lot 1 (2021/S 091-234556)
Notice : (can_pro-003000_lot_1_-_2021-ojs091-234556-en)
- 10/05/2021
Translation services for Estonian language - Market Survey
Notice : (translation_services_for_estonian_language_-_market_survey)
- 07/05/2021
Contract Notice: Travel Tracking System and Ancillary Services (2021/S 089-226854)
Notice : (2021-ojs089-226854-en)
- 30/04/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of Consultancy Services for the Maintenance and Development of the ECB's Environmental Management System (2021/S 084-213112)
Notice : (2021-ojs084-213112-en)
- 30/04/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of ART Services (Advice, Event and Project Management, Administrative Support)(2021/S 084-213113)
Notice : (2021-ojs084-213113-en)
- 28/04/2021
Market Research for External Support for Supervision On-Site Missions (Revised deadline)
Notice : (external_experts_osis-imis_market_survey_-_revised_deadline)
- 09/04/2021
Corrigendum: Purchase of Audio and Video Equipment and Related Services (2021/S 069-174123)
Notice : (2021-ojs069-174123-en)
- 08/04/2021
Contract notice: Provision of Office Copy Paper (2021/S 067-172691)
Notice : (2021-ojs067-172691-en)
- 19/03/2021
Contract notice: Purchase of Audio and Video Equipment and Related Services (2021/S 055-135103)
Notice : (2021-ojs055-135103-en)
- 10/03/2021
Contract Award Notice: Legal Translation Services from English into German (2021/S 047-116896)
Notice : (pro-005057_2021-ojs047-116896-en)
- 09/03/2021
Contract Notice: ECB – PRO-006374 - Provision of Travel services (2021/S 047-116895)
Notice : (2021-ojs047-116895-en)
- 08/03/2021
Contract award notice: Provision of a New Information Architecture for the ECB Websites - Lot 1 : Consultancy services on the technical and communication aspects of IA design (2021/S 046-114527)
Notice : (can_2021-ojs046-114527-en)
- 01/03/2021
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Leadership Assessment and Development Services (2021/S 041-101576)
Notice : (can_004785_2021-ojs041-101576-en)
- 19/02/2021
ECB - Provision of Knowledge Management Consultancy and Training Services (2021/S 035-083942)
Notice : (2021-ojs035-083942-en)
- 20/01/2021
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Publications Production (2021/S 013-026529)
Notice : (can_pro-005888_2021-ojs013-026529-en)
- 15/01/2021
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Quantitative and Qualitative Research (2021/S 010-015587)
Notice : (2021-ojs010-015587-en-ts)
- 31/12/2020
ECB - Provision of Morning News Briefings (2020/S 255-639219)
Notice : (2020-ojs255-639219-en)
- 31/12/2020
ECB - SupTech Digital Transformation Delivery and the Exploration, Prototyping, Deployment and Training of Emerging Technologies (2020/S 255-639220)
Notice : (2020-ojs255-639220-en_suptech)
- 28/12/2020
ECB - Provision of Learning and Development Services in the Field of Data Science, Computer Science and Information and Communications Technology (2020/S 251-626986)
Notice : (pro-005499_cn_2020-ojs251-626986-en)
- 28/12/2020
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Maintenance Services for the Lifts of the ECB (2020/S 251-626985)
Notice : (2020-ojs251-626985-en)
- 28/12/2020
ECB - Provision of Managed Services and Works for the ECB Unified Communication and Collaboration (EUCC) Solutions (2020/S 251-626984)
Notice : (2020-ojs251-626984-en)
- 22/12/2020
ECB - Provision of Family Care Services (2020/S 249-619208)
Notice : (2020-ojs249-619208-en)
- 18/12/2020
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Security Film for Glass (2020/S 247-609366)
Notice : (2020-ojs247-609366-en)
- 04/12/2020
ECB - Provision of Services and Works for Mobile Application Development and Maintenance (2020/S 237-581729)
Notice : (pro-005402_2020-ojs237-581729-en)
- 06/11/2020
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Works and Services for the Enhancement and Update of the SSM Wide Data Collection Database (2020/S 217-528808)
Notice : (2020-ojs217-528808-en)
- 20/10/2020
Contract Award Notice: ECB - IT Services and Works for Information Management Applications (2020/S 202-486908)
Notice : (published_can)
- 16/10/2020
Contract Notice: ECB-Provision of Swithcboard, Facility Management Service Desk and Meeting Coordination Services (2020/S 202-486907)
Notice : (2020-ojs202-486907-en)
- 13/10/2020
ECB - Provision of Consultancy and Agency Services for Market Infrastructure and Payments (2020/S 199-481365)
Notice : (2020-ojs199-481365-en)
- 30/09/2020
Notice : (2020-ojs190-457659-en_pro_005396)
- 29/09/2020
Contract Notice: ECB - PRO-005392 Provision of interpretation services (2020/S 189-455179)
Notice : (2020-ojs189-455179-en_pro-005392)
- 28/09/2020
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Talent Acquisition Outreach Services (2020/S 184-443228)
Notice : (2020-ojs184-443228-en)
- 15/09/2020
Notice : (en_announcement_of_market_survey_2020)
- 11/09/2020
ECB Call for expression of interest PRO-005494 Fitness facility services
Notice : (published_contract_notice_pro-005494_fitness_facility_services_2020s_177-424153)
- 04/09/2020
Contract notice: Provision of Art Services (Advice, Event and Project Management, Administrative Support (2020/S 172-412799)
Notice : (2020-ojs172-412799-en)
- 01/09/2020
Contract notice: Publications Production (2020/S 169-408305)
Notice : (20200901_contract_notice_pro-005888_publications_production_2020-ojs169-408305)
- 01/09/2020
Corrigendum: Consultancy Services for Financial Risk Management (2020/S 169-408306)
Notice : (20200901_corrigendum_pro-004684_consultancy_services_for_financial_risk_management_2020-ojs169-408306)
- 31/08/2020
Corrigendum: Provision of Quantitative and Qualitative Research (2020/S 167-401810)
Notice : (2020-ojs167-401810-en)
- 13/08/2020
Contract notice: ECB - Consultancy Services for Financial Risk Management (2020/S 155-378295)
Notice : (2020-ojs155-378295-en)
- 24/07/2020
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Quantitative and Qualitative Research (2020/S 142-348307)
Notice : (2020-ojs142-348307-en)
- 24/07/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Publications Production (2020/S 142-348308)
Notice : (2020-ojs142-348308-en)
- 21/07/2020
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Non-statutory Audit Works and Services and Quality Assurance Works and Services on Asset Quality Reviews (2020/S 139-340901)
Notice : (corrigendum_2_2020-ojs157-380650-en_pro_004678_aqr)
- 21/07/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services for the Wallstreet Suite (2020/S 162-391382)
Notice : (2020-ojs162-391382-en)
- 20/07/2020
Contract award notice:ECB - Provision of Specific Audio Media Services and Equipment at Meetings, Conferences and Events (2020/S 138-338258)
Notice : (2020-ojs138-338258-en)
- 12/06/2020
Contract Notice: ECB - Maintenance and Repair, Upgrade and Extension of an Integrated Security Screening Devices (2020/S 113-273050)
Notice : (2020-ojs113-273050-en)
- 27/05/2020
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Works and Services for the Enhancement and Update of the SSM Wide Data Collection Database (2020/S 102-245174)
Notice : (2020-ojs102-245174-en)
- 08/05/2020
Contract notice:ECB - Provision of Private Security Services (2020/S 090-213682)
Notice : (20200508_published_contract_notice_pro-005356_provision_of_private_security_services)
- 06/05/2020
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Social Counselling Services (PRO-004771 - CAN 2020/S 073-173717)
Notice : (2020-ojs073-173717-en)
- 04/05/2020
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services for the Maintenance and Development of the ECB's Environmental Management System (2020/S 085-200089)
Notice : (2020-ojs085-200089-en)
- 10/04/2020
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of IT Conceptual Consultancy Services (2020/S 072-170131)
Notice : (2020-ojs072-170131-en)
- 13/03/2020
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Event Agency Services (2020/S 052-122406)
Notice : (2020-ojs052-122406-en)
- 10/03/2020
ECB - Legal Translation andother Related Activities in Several EU Official Languages (2020/S 048-112640)
Notice : (2020-ojs048-112640-en)
- 10/03/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Electrical power Supply (2020/S 049-114918)
Notice : (2020-ojs049-114918-en)
- 09/03/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of the Statistical Production and Compilation Environment (SPACE) — PRO-004816 (2020/S 048-112641)
Notice : (2020-ojs048-112641-en)
- 02/03/2020
Notice : (ga__announcement_of_market_survey_2020)
- 28/02/2020
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Services for the Wallstreet Suite (2020-OJS042-098140)
Notice : (2020-ojs042-098140-en)
- 25/02/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Learning and Development Activities (2019/S 113-276191)
Notice : (2020-ojs030-068964-en)
- 27/01/2020
Contract Notice: ECB - Publications Production (2020/S 018-038337)
Notice : (2020-ojs018-038337-en)
- 24/01/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Legal Translation and otherRelated Activities in Several EU Official Languages (BG, HR, HU, PL, RO, SK, SL) (2020/S 017-035212)
Notice : (2020-ojs017-035212-en)
- 20/01/2020
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Remote Legal Translation Activities from all other Official European Union (EU) Languages into English (2020/S 013-025330)
Notice : (2020-ojs013-025330-en)
- 08/01/2020
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Real Estate and Space Management Services (2020/S 001-000010)
Notice : (2020-ojs001-000010-en)
- 31/12/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provison of Leadership Assessment and Development Services (2019/S 251-621456)
Notice : (contract_notice_31.12.2019)
- 27/12/2019
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Conference and Meeting Management Services (Lot 1) and a Switchboard and Facility Management Service Desk (Lot 2)(2019/S 249-617255)
Notice : (2019-ojs249-617255-en)
- 27/12/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Financial Data on Financial Corporations (2019/S 248-611300)
Notice : (2019-ojs248-611300-en)
- 10/12/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of IT Services and Works for Information Management Applications (2019/S 238-582599)
Notice : (2019_s_238-582599)
- 02/12/2019
Contract award notice:ECB - Provision of Transportation Services and Temporary executive Chauffeur Services (2019/S 231-565318)
Notice : (2019-ojs231-565318-en)
- 02/12/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Software Testing
Notice : (2019s_232-568030)
- 02/12/2019
Contract award notice:ECB - Provision of Transportation Services and Temporary executive Chauffeur Services (2019/S 231-565318)
Notice : (2019-ojs231-565318)
- 20/11/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Services and Works for IT Application Delivery (2019/S 224-548540)
Notice : (2019-ojs224-548540-en)
- 18/11/2019
Corrigendum: ECB - Provision of Security Film for Glass (2019/S 222-543401)
Notice : (corrigendumcn_published_-_2019-ojs222-543401-en)
- 15/11/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Talent Acquisition Outreach Services
Notice : (2019-ojs221-541120-en)
- 15/11/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Talent Acquisition Outreach Services (2020/S 184-443228)
Notice : (2020-ojs184-443228-en-ts)
- 08/11/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Specific Audio MediaServices and Equipment at Meetings, Conferences and Events (2019/S 216-528934)
Notice : (2019-ojs216-528934-en)
- 30/10/2019
Contract award notice: ECB - ECB — Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Services (2019/S 210-512174)
Notice : (2019-ojs210-512174-en)
- 28/10/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Security Film for Glass (2019/S 208-506363)
Notice : (2019-ojs208-506363-en)
- 28/10/2019
ECB - Legal Translation Services from English into German (2019/S 208-506362)
Notice : (2019-ojs208-506362-en)
- 16/08/2019
Prior Information Notice - ECB: Market Consultation Pertaining to a Potential Framework Agreement for the Provision of Support Services for DG-MIP (2019/S 157-386448)
Notice : (2019-ojs157-386448-en)
- 16/08/2019
Contract Award Notice - ECB: Group Business Travel Insurance (2019/S 157-386449)
Notice : (2019-ojs157-386449-en)
- 07/08/2019
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Remote Legal Translation Activities from all other Official European Union (EU) Languages into English (2019/S 151-371407)
Notice : (2019-ojs151-371407-en)
- 05/08/2019
Market Survey: ECB - Services for Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payments
Notice : (ecb_dg-mip__market_survey_ecb_extranet_invitation)
- 02/08/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of LegalTranslation from English into French and other Related Activities (2019/S 148-363143)
Notice : (2019-ojs148-363143-en)
- 31/07/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Drafting, Editing and Revision of Legal Texts in English and Optional in-house Legal Translation (2019/S 146-358675)
Notice : (2019-ojs146-358675-en)
- 29/07/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Social Counselling Services (2019/S 144-353624)
Notice : (2019-ojs144-353624-en)
- 26/07/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Electrical Power Supply (2019/S 143-350778)
Notice : (2019-ojs143-350778-en)
- 24/07/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Technical Facility Management Service Provider Main Building - 2019/S 141-346333
Notice : (2019-ojs141-346333-en)
- 19/07/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Services at the ECB’s Staff Information Point (Lot 1) and Relocation Services (Lot 2) (2019/S 138-338742)
Notice : (2019-ojs138-338742-en)
- 17/07/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Online Competency Testing (2019/S 136-334217)
Notice : (2019-ojs136-334217-en)
- 17/07/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Translation and Revision of Procedural Documents for Court Cases from English into French and other Related Activities (2019/S 136-334218)
Notice : (2019-ojs136-334218-en)
- 05/07/2019
Contract award notice:ECB - Provision of Team Training Services (2019/S 128-311706)
Notice : (2019-ojs128-311706-en)
- 01/07/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB – Provision of Waste Collection and Disposal Services (2019/S 123-299307)
Notice : (2019-ojs123-299307-en-ts)
- 18/06/2019
Notice : (ga_template_announcement_of_market_survey_2019)
- 14/06/2019
Contract Notice:ECB - Provision of Learning and Development Activities - (2019/S 113-276191)
Notice : (2019-ojs113-276191-en)
- 05/06/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB -Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Services (2019/S 107-260333)
Notice : (pro-004477_-_published_can_-_2019-ojs107-260333-en)
- 04/06/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Editing and Translation Services intoEnglish of Financial, Supervisory and Economic Documents and Related Services (2019/S 106-257781)
Notice : (2019-ojs106-257781-en)
- 28/05/2019
Corrigendum: Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Services and Works in the Area of Communication (PRO-003000)2019/S 102-245884
Notice : (2019-ojs102-245884-en)
- 24/05/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of of Services and Works in Support of Selected Audit Missions Carried out by the Directorate Internal Audit (2019/S 100-241195)
Notice : (2019-ojs100-241195-en)
- 17/05/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Services and Works in the Area of Communication (PRO-003000)2019/S 095-228492
Notice : (2019-ojs095-228492-en)
- 10/05/2019
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Conference and Meeting Management Services and a Switchboard and Facility Management Service Desk (2019/S 090-214448)
Notice : (2019-ojs090-214448-en)
- 10/05/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB -Filming and Streaming Services 2019/S 090-214449
Notice : (2019-ojs090-214449-en)
- 03/05/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Mobile Communication Services (2019-OJS086-204756)
Notice : (2019-05-03_pro-003973_-_ecb_mobile_communication_tender_-can_2019-ojs086-204756-en)
- 26/04/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Services Related to advice on Art Activities of the ECB, Management of the ECB’s Art Projects and their Implementation (2019/S 082-194289)
Notice : (082-194289)
- 18/04/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB -Provision of Consultancy Services (Lot 1) for FMBusiness Processes, Data Migration, Data Management and (Lot 2) for CAD, DataManagement Support for Construction and Engineering Drawings and Documents(2019/S 076-179796)
Notice : (2019-ojs076-179796-en)
- 17/04/2019
Prior Information Notice: Call for Competition: ECB - T2S and TIPS VAN (Value Added Network)Connectivity and its Integration with the ECB IT Environment (PRO-004871 / 2019/S 076-179795)
Notice : (2019-ojs076-179795-en)
- 15/04/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Temporary Accommodation for ECB Staff (2019/S 074-174271)
Notice : (2019-ojs074-174271-en)
- 15/04/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Current and Historical Economic and Financial Data (2019/S 074-174270)
Notice : (2019-ojs074-174270-en)
- 05/04/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of an Internet BasedSurvey on Economic and Financial Matters Among Euro Area Consumers (2019/S 068-158400)
Notice : (2019_s_068-158400)
- 03/04/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Childcare Facility Places (2019/S 066-153237)
Notice : (2019-ojs066-153237-en)
- 12/03/2019
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of the Statistical production and compilation environment (SPACE)- 2019/S 050-113791
Notice : (2019-ojs050-113791-en)
- 22/02/2019
Call for Competition for the Selection of the Market Infrastructure Board non-central Bank Members and the Creation of a Reserve List — Ref: PRO-004931
Notice : (pro-004931-anouncement_ojeu-c2019_c_69_03)
- 20/02/2019
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Catering Services (2019/S 035-077897)
Notice : (2019-ojs035-077897-en)
- 18/02/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of General Planning Services (2019/S 034-075797)
Notice : (2019-ojs034-075797-en)
- 15/02/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Legal Translation and other Related Services in Several EU Official Languages (2019/S 021-044862)
Notice : (2019-ojs021-044862-en)
- 15/02/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Language Training for Business Needs (PRO-003666) - CN 2019/S 033-073176
Notice : (2019-ojs033-073176-en)
- 15/02/2019
Contract Award Notice: Tender for the Provision of Health and Long-Term Care InsuranceServices and Related Claims Administration Services and Employee Assistance Programme (2019/S 029-063876)
Notice : (2019-ojs029-063876-en)
- 05/02/2019
Corrigendum: Contract Notice: ECB - Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Services (2019/S 025-054225)
Notice : (2019-ojs025-054225-en-ts)
- 05/02/2019
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Examinations of the Target2-Securities (T2S) Services as the T2S External Examiner (2019/S 025-054224)
Notice : (2019-ojs025-054224-en)
- 18/01/2019
Corrigendum: Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of an Internet Based Survey on Economic and Financial Matters Among Euro Area Consumers (2018/S 242-552107)
Notice : (2019-ojs013-025420-en)
- 08/01/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Services (PRO 004477)- 2019/S 005-005929
Notice : (2019-ojs005-005929-en)
- 02/01/2019
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Organisational Management Consultancy Services (PRO-003898)- 2018/S 250-576680
Notice : (2018-ojs250-576680-en_cn)
- 27/12/2018
Contract Notice: ECB – Provision of Waste Collection and Disposal Services (Waste Management)(2018/S 247-566783)
Notice : (2018-ojs247-566783-en)
- 27/12/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of TransportationServices and Temporary executive Chauffeur Services (2018/S 247-566782)
Notice : (2018-ojs247-566782-en)
- 18/12/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Expert Services for Ventilation (2018/S 242-552106)
Notice : (2018-ojs242-552106)
- 17/12/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of an Internet Based Survey on Economic and Financial Matters Among Euro Area Consumers (2018/S 242-552107)
Notice : (2018-ojs242-552107-en)
- 07/12/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Property Insurance Services (PRO-004431 - CAN 2018/S 236-538655)
Notice : (2018-ojs236-538655)
- 06/12/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Consultancy Services Power Resilience (2018-OJS222-507151)
Notice : (2018-ojs222-507151)
- 20/11/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of respresentation and decoration to the ECB (2018/S 222-507150)
Notice : (2018-ojs222-507150-en)
- 30/10/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of temporary labour for financial accounting operations (2018/S 205-467116)
Notice : (2018-ojs205-467116-en)
- 30/10/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Translation of Financial and Economic Documents from English into Certain Other Official European Union Languages, and Related Services (Lots BG, CS, LT, LV, PL, SK and SL) (2018/S 203-461091)
Notice : (2018-ojs203-461091-en)
- 30/10/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Translation of Financial and Economic Documents from English into Certain Other Official European Union Languages, and Related Services (Lots EL, ES, FR, IT, PT and RO) (2018/S 203-461092)
Notice : (2018-ojs203-461092-en)
- 30/10/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Translation of Financial and Economic Documents from English into Certain Other Official European Union Languages, and Related Services (Lots DA, DE, ET, FI, HU, NL and SV) (2018/S 203-461093)
Notice : (2018-ojs203-461093-en)
- 29/10/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Services Related to Advice on Art Activities of the ECB, Management of the ECB’s art Projects and their Implementation (2018/S 208-473930)
Notice : (2018-ojs208-473930-en)
- 17/10/2018
Corrigendum: ECB- Provision of Mobile Communication Services (SIM Cards and Related Services) - 2018/S 200-453478
Notice : (pro-003973_002018-ojs200-453478-en)
- 17/10/2018
Contract Notice - ECB (Provision of a new information architecture for the ECB websites (2018/S 200-453477)
Notice : (2018-ojs200-453477-en)
- 16/10/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Insurance Management Services (2018/S 199-449730)
Notice : (2018-ojs199-449730-en)
- 15/10/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Group Business Travel Insurance (2018-ojs198-446812)
Notice : (2018-ojs198-446812-en)
- 08/10/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of translation and revision of procedural documents for court cases from English into French and other related activities (2018/S 193-435437)
Notice : (2018-ojs193-435437-en)
- 06/10/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of legal translation from English into French and other related activities (2018/S 193-435436)
Notice : (2018-ojs193-435436-en)
- 04/10/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Mobile Communication Services (SIM Cards and Related Services) - 2018/S 190-428747
Notice : (2018-ojs190-428747-en)
- 24/09/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Property Insurance Services (2018/S 183-413248)
Notice : (2018-ojs183-413248-en)
- 11/09/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Media Training and Crisis Communication Services (2018/S 174-393671)
Notice : (2018-ojs174-393671-en)
- 10/09/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of drafting, editing and revision of legal texts in English and optional in-house legal translation (2018/S 173-391671)
Notice : (00_cn_final_pro-004168)
- 04/09/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Support Services for Facility Management Related Activities(2018/S 169-383841)
Notice : (2018-ojs169-383841-en)
- 04/09/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Equipment and Goods (2018/S 169-383840)
Notice : (2018-ojs169-383840-en)
- 03/09/2018
Market research for an internet based survey on euro area households’ behaviour and consumption patterns
Notice : (ecb_ces_market_survey)
- 20/08/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of translation services from Estonian, Latvian and Finnish into English (2018/S 158-360965)
Notice : (2018-ojs158-360965-en)
- 13/08/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of IT End-User Computer Equipment and Related Services (PRO-003115)
Notice : (2018-ojs154-352321-en)
- 09/08/2018
Market Survey: ECB - Managed services of the SDMX Global registry
Notice : (market_survey_on_global_registry)
- 08/08/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of legal translation and other related activities in several EU official languages (BG, HR, HU, PL, RO, SK, SL) (2018/S 151-346189)
Notice : (2018-ojs151-346189-en)
- 31/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Maintenance Services for ECB's Green Areas (2018/S 145-330822)
Notice : (2018-ojs145-330822-en)
- 30/07/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Filming and streaming services (2018/S 144-328418)
Notice : (2018-ojs144-328418-en)
- 30/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Logistic and Mail Services (2018/S 144-328419)
Notice : (2018-ojs144-328419-en)
- 25/07/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of arrangements and flower bouquets to the ECB (2018/S 141-322357)
Notice : (2018-ojs141-322357-en-ts)
- 24/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of surveys on the access to finance of enterprises (SAFE)
Notice : (2018-ojs139-316716-en_award_notice-_surveys_on_the_access_to_finance_of_enterprises_safe)
- 16/07/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Temporary Accommodation for ECB staff (2018/S 134-304471)
Notice : (2018-ojs134-304471-en)
- 16/07/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Consultancy Services Power Resilience (2018/S 134-304469)
Notice : (2018-ojs134-304469-en)
- 16/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of services with regardto On–Site Supervisory Activities and Related Horizontal Tasks ( 2018/S 134-304470)- Lot 2
Notice : (2018-ojs134-304470-en)
- 12/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Internet security services (Contract notice 018/S 131-298062)
Notice : (2018-ojs131-298062-en)
- 11/07/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services (Lot 1) for FM business processes, data migration, data management and (Lot 2) for CAD, data management support for construction and engineering drawings and documents (2018/S 131-298061)
Notice : (2018-ojs131-298061-en)
- 09/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of training and consultancy services on career management (2018/S 129-293194)
Notice : (2018-ojs129-293194-en)
- 03/07/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Catering Services (2018/S 125-283856)
Notice : (2018-ojs125-283856-en)
- 26/06/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Cleaning Services (2018/S 119-269880)
Notice : (2018-ojs119-269880-en)
- 14/06/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Audit of the TARGET2-Securities (T2S) Financial Statements 2018/S 112-254082
Notice : (2018-ojs112-254082-en)
- 22/05/2018
Notice for changes or additional information - ECB: Property Insurance Services -2018/S 095-214645
Notice : (2018-ojs095-214645-en)
- 22/05/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of File Conversion, Formatting and Alignment Services
Notice : (2018-ojs095-214644-en)
- 08/05/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Property Insurance Services (2018/S 088-196662)
Notice : (2018-ojs088-196662-en_incl._corrigendum)
- 07/05/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of a Treasury Management System (2018/S 087-194652)
Notice : (2018-ojs087-194652-en)
- 02/05/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Statutory audit of the ECB's annual accounts, compliance checks regarding private financial activities, and actuarial services for the ECB pension arrangements
Notice : (2018-ojs084-189083-en)
- 23/04/2018
CLOSED: Contract Notice: ECB - WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME (2018/S 078-173082)
Notice : (2018-ojs078-173082-en)
- 09/04/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Maintenance Services for ECB's green areas (2018/S 068-150109)
Notice : (2018-ojs068-150109-en)
- 09/04/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - PROVISION OF EQUIPMENT AND GOODS (2018/S 068-150108)
Notice : (2018-ojs068-150108-en)
- 03/04/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of electrical power supply to the Eurotower and the installation of stations to charge electric cars (2018/S 064-141537)
Notice : (2018-ojs064-141537-en)
- 16/03/2018
Closed: Contract Notice: ECB - Language training for business needs (2018/S 053-116462)
Notice : (2018-ojs053-116462-en)
- 14/03/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Travel Services (2018/S 049-106985)
Notice : (2018-ojs049-106985-en)
- 13/03/2018
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2017
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice17)
- 13/03/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Medical Services as Examining Medical Adviser at the European Central Bank
Notice : (2018-ojs050-109771-en)
- 12/03/2018
Market Survey - EMIR Bridge Programme for Data Science PRO-003620
Notice : (pro-003620_emir_-_market_survey)
- 05/03/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Web-based reporting platform — breach reporting mechanism (BRM)(2018/S 044-095204)
Notice : (2018-ojs044-095204-en)
- 05/03/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - International executive search services (2018/S 044-095203)
Notice : (2018-ojs044-095203-en)
- 28/02/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of project acceptance support (2018/S 041-088816)
Notice : (2018-ojs041-088816-en)
- 27/02/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Services with regard to on-site Supervisory Activities and Related Horizontal Tasks (Lot 1) (2018/S 040-086560)
Notice : (2018-ojs040-086560-en)
- 27/02/2018
1 January to 31 December 2017: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_of_inter-institutional_2017_upd)
- 21/02/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of IT End-user Computer Equipment and Related Services (2018/S 036-077721)
Notice : (2018-ojs036-077721-en)
- 21/02/2018
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Crisis Management Consultancy Services (2018/S 036-077720)
Notice : (2018-ojs036-077720-en)
- 16/02/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of financial consultancy services (2018/S 025-052291)
Notice : (2018-ojs025-052291-en)
- 14/02/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of supply services for books, newspapers, annual publications and loose-leaf editions (2018/S 030-064283)
Notice : (2018-ojs030-064283-en)
- 09/02/2018
ACTIVE - Contract Notice: ECB - Childcare Facility Places (2018/S 028-060071)
Notice : (2018-ojs028-060071-en)
- 08/02/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Digital Archiving and Preservation (2018/S 027-058026)
Notice : (2018-ojs027-058026-en)
- 07/02/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Insurance Management Services (2018/S 026-055831)
Notice : (2018-ojs026-055831-en)
- 07/02/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Temporary Labour for Financial Accounting Operations (2018/S 026-055832)
Notice : (2018-ojs026-055832-en)
- 05/02/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of End User Computing and System Operation (EUCSO) Managed Services (2018/S 024-050088)
Notice : (2018-ojs024-050088-en)
- 17/01/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Audit of the TARGET2-Securities (T2S) Financial Statements (2017/S 242-501928)
Notice : (2017-ojs242-501928-en)
- 04/01/2018
Market Survey: ÈCB - Lawyer-Linguist Services: French
Notice : (pro-003658_-_market_survey_announcement_-__lawyer-linguist_services_-_german_into_french_)
- 03/01/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy SupportServices for Facility Managment Related Activities (2018/S 001-000055)
Notice : (2018-ojs001-000055-en)
- 03/01/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of services and works in support of selected Audit Missions carried out by the Directorate Internal Audit (2018/S 001-000054)
Notice : (2018-ojs001-000054-en)
- 02/01/2018
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of examinations of the Target2-Securities (T2S) services as the T2S External Examiner
Notice : (2017-ojs250-526288-en-ts)
- 02/01/2018
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Logistic and Warehousing Services (2017/S 250-526289)
Notice : (2017-ojs250-526289-en)
- 20/12/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of security services (2017-OJS244-508651)
Notice : (2017-ojs244-508651-en_pro_002077_security_services_can)
- 06/12/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of team training services
Notice : (ted_notice_485417-2017_)
- 02/12/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of current and historical economic and financial data (2017/S 232-483166)
Notice : (2017-ojs232-483166-en)
- 29/11/2017
Corrigendum: ECB- Provision of electrical power supply to the Eurotower and the installation of stations to charge electric cars (2017/S 228-474399)
Notice : (2017-ojs228-474399-en)
- 29/11/2017
Corrigendum: ECB - Surveys on the access to finance of enterprises (SAFE)- 2017/S 227-472189
Notice : (services_-_472189-2017_-_ted_tenders_electronic_daily)
- 16/11/2017
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Family care services (2017/S 220-456374)
Notice : (2017-ojs220-456374-en)
- 15/11/2017
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Drafting skills and written communication training (2017/S 219-454613)
Notice : (2017-ojs219-454613-en)
- 02/11/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of logistic and mail services (2017/S 207-426817)
Notice : (2017-ojs207-426817-en)
- 02/11/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Surveys on the access to finance of enterprises (SAFE) (2017/S 210-435476)
Notice : (2017-ojs210-435476-en)
- 18/10/2017
Contract Award Notice: ECB - The provision of external quality assessment services for internal audit functions (2017/S 200-410763)
Notice : (2017-ojs200-410763-en)
- 18/10/2017
Market Survey: ECB - Market survey for Certification Suppliers for Workplace Gender Equality
Notice : (market_survey_on_gender_diversity_certification)
- 04/10/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of electrical power supply to the Eurotower and the installation of stations to charge electric cars (2017/S 189-386246)
Notice : (2017-ojs189-386246-en)
- 02/10/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of project acceptance support - 2017/S 188-384346
Notice : (2017-ojs188-384346-en)
- 29/09/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of general planning services
Notice : (2017-ojs187-381975-en)
- 20/09/2017
ECB: Contract Notice - Provision of translation services from Estonian, Finnish and Latvian into English (2017/S 180-367815)
Notice : (2017-ojs180-367815-en)
- 13/09/2017
Contract Award Notice - ECB: Call to express interest for participating in a procurement procedure for the provision of fitness facility services (2017/S 175-357690)
Notice : (2017-ojs175-357690-en)
- 31/08/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - International executive search services (PRO-003061) 2017/S 166-341074
Notice : (2017-ojs166-341074-en)
- 21/08/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of services with regard to on-site supervisory activities and related horizontal tasks (2017/S 158-326563)
Notice : (2017-ojs158-326563-en_2)
- 11/08/2017
Market Survey: ECB - Lawyer-Linguist Services: German
Notice : (market_survey_announcement_-__lawyer-linguist_services_-_german)
- 07/08/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of office copy paper (2017/S 149-307892)
Notice : (2017-ojs149-307892-en)
- 03/08/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of logistic and warehousing services (2017/S 146-300825)
Notice : (2017-ojs146-300825-en)
- 31/07/2017
Market Survey: ECB - Lawyer-Linguist Services: English
Notice : (market_survey_announcement_-__english_legal_editing)
- 26/07/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Investment manager services for the ECB's pension fund (2017/S 141-289053)
Notice : (2017-ojs141-289053-en)
- 20/07/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of supply services for books, newspapers, annual publications and loose-leaf editions (2017/S 137-280401) - 3 Lots
Notice : (2017-ojs137-280401-en)
- 10/07/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of interpretation services (2017/S 129-262836)
Notice : (contract_award_notice_-_pro_002082_-_2017-ojs129-262836-en)
- 10/07/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of audio/media equipment and related services (2017/S 129-262835)
Notice : (contract_award_notice_-_pro_001499_-_2017-ojs129-262835-en)
- 29/06/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of temporary labour for financial accounting operations (2017/S 122-246612)
Notice : (oj_contract_notice-published_2017-ojs122-246612-en_pro-003037_temporary_labour)
- 21/06/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of a facility management (FM) service desk and switchboard and related consultancy services (2017/S 117-234269)
Notice : (2017-ojs117-234269-en)
- 20/06/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Statutory audit of the ECB's annual accounts, compliance checks regarding private financial activities, and actuarial services for the ECB pension arrangements (2017/S 116-232933)
Notice : (2017-ojs116-232933-en)
- 23/05/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of Financial Consultancy Services (2017/S 098-192924)
Notice : (pro-003038_-_published_contract_notice)
- 18/05/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of trainings and consultancy services on career management (2017/S 095-185925)
Notice : (pro-003040_career_management_contract_notice_2017-ojs095-185925-en)
- 12/05/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of translation of financial and economic documents from English into certain other official European Union languages, and related services (2017/S 091-179402)
Notice : (2017-ojs091-179402-en)
- 12/05/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Print Center Services (2016/S 116-205466)
Notice : (pro-002083_print_center_services_contract_award_notice)
- 10/05/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Medical services as examining medical adviser at the European Central Bank (2017/S 089-173705)
Notice : (pro-003041_2017-ojs089-173705-en)
- 10/05/2017
Contract Notice - ECB: Provision of file conversion, formatting and alignment services (2017/S 088-171182)
Notice : (2017-05-06_-_contract_notice_2017-ojs088-171182_-_pro-002653)
- 04/05/2017
Market Survey: ECB - Market Survey for Freelance Translators - Maltese (MT-2017-MS)
Notice : (mt_market_survey_announcement_2017_04)
- 25/04/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Telecommunication lines and services (2017/S 075-144245)
Notice : (2017-ojs075-144245-en)
- 25/04/2017
Contract notice - ECB: Provision of catering services (2017/S 080-153618)
Notice : (2017-ojs080-153618-en)
- 06/04/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of media training and crisis communication services (2017/S 068-127662)
Notice : (2017-ojs068-127662-en)
- 05/04/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of logistic services,office supplies, toner cartridges and branded merchandise (2017/S 067-125476)
Notice : (2017-ojs067-125476-en)
- 30/03/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of translation services into English (2017/S 063-117547)
Notice : (2017-ojs063-117547-en)
- 23/03/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Internet security services (2017/S 058-107193)
Notice : (2017-ojs058-107193-en)
- 21/03/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of travel services (2017/S 056-103028)
Notice : (2017-ojs056-103028-en)
- 09/03/2017
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2016
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice16)
- 06/03/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Family care services (2017/S 045-081817)
Notice : (2017-ojs045-081817-en)
- 02/03/2017
1 January to 31 December 2016: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_of_inter-institutional_framework_agreements_2016)
- 24/02/2017
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of balance sheet, income statement and financial data (2017/S 038-068185)
Notice : (published_contract_award_notice_lot_2_non-financial_corporations)
- 24/02/2017
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of corporate real estate management and strategic real estate advisory services (2017/S 038-068184)
Notice : (2017-ojs038-068184-en)
- 20/02/2017
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Supply of electricity (2017/S 035-062673)
Notice : (2017-ojs035-062673-en)
- 15/02/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Invitation to tender for the provision of business suits (2017/S 032-057164)
Notice : (2017-ojs032-057164-en)
- 14/02/2017
Contract notice: ECB - The provision of external quality assessment services for internal audit functions (2017/S 031-055270)
Notice : (2017-ojs031-055270-en)
- 02/02/2017
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of office copy paper (2017/S 023-038863)
Notice : (2017-ojs023-038863-en)
- 19/01/2017
Contract Notice: ECB - Crisis management and consultancy services (2017/S 013-091114)
Notice : (2017-ojs013-019114-en)
- 17/01/2017
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of VIP limousine and shuttle services and supply of temporary chauffeur services (2017/S 011-015637)
Notice : (2017-ojs011-015637-en)
- 13/01/2017
CLOSED - Call for Expression of Interest: ECB - Call to express interest in participating in a procurement procedure on venue, catering, accommodation and related services for trainings and workshops (2017/S 009-012983)
Notice : (2017-ojs009-012983-en)
- 06/01/2017
CLOSED - Contract notice: ECB - Call to express interest for participating in a procurement procedure for the provision of fitness facility services (2017/S 004-004428)
Notice : (2017-ojs004-004428-en)
- 30/12/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of space management consultancy services (2016/S 252-463963)
Notice : (2016-ojs252-463963-en)
- 21/12/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of public relations consultancy for France (2016/S 246-448995)
Notice : (2016-ojs246-448995-en)
- 12/12/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Supply and maintenance of network and WDM components (2016/S 239-434997)
Notice : (2016-ojs239-434997-en)
- 06/12/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Digital archiving and preservation (2016/S 235-427894)
Notice : (2016-ojs235-427894-en)
- 03/11/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Development and commercialisation of a latent fingerprint development device for documents including banknotes (2016/S 212-385757)
Notice : (2016-ojs212-385757-en)
- 31/10/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Consultancy services for risk management PRO-001401 (2016/S 210-380204)
Notice : (2016-ojs210-380204-en)
- 31/10/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of audio/media equipment and related services (2016/S 210-380203)
Notice : (2016-ojs210-380203-en)
- 11/10/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Managed print services (2016/S 196-353073)
Notice : (2016-ojs196-353073-en)
- 11/10/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of services relating to the production of publications (2016/S 196-353074)
Notice : (2016-ojs196-353074-en)
- 10/10/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of support in the assessment of management and leadership skills and talent development programmes (2016/S 195-350746)
Notice : (2016-ojs195-350746-en)
- 24/09/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Supply of electricity (2016/S 185-331377)
Notice : (2016-ojs185-331377-en)
- 07/09/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of telecommunication lines and services (2016/S 172-308655)
Notice : (2016-ojs172-308655-en)
- 22/08/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of services for the Wallstreet Suite (2016/S 160-288990)
Notice : (2016-ojs160-288990-en)
- 19/08/2016
Contract notice: Cancellation - Provision of an online registration tool for visitors (lot 1) and events (lot 2) (2016/S 159-287249)
Notice : (2016-ojs159-287249-en)
- 19/08/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision, implementation and maintenance of an out-hosted ORM/BCM system (2016/S 159-287248)
Notice : (2016-ojs159-287248-en)
- 12/08/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of security services (2016/S 155-280008)
Notice : (2016-ojs155-280008-en)
- 10/08/2016
Closed: ECB - Drafting skills and written communication training (2016/S 153-276547)
Notice : (2016-ojs153-276547-en)
- 10/08/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of balance sheet, income statement and financial data — lot 1: financial corporations (2016/S 153-276546)
Notice : (2016-ojs153-276546-en)
- 04/08/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of interpretation services (2016/S 149-269283)
Notice : (2016-ojs149-269283-en)
- 27/07/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of logistic services,office supplies, toner cartridges and branded merchandise (2016/S 143-258100)
Notice : (2016-ojs143-258100-en)
- 25/07/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of IT conceptual consultancy works and services (2016/S 141-254259)
Notice : (2016-ojs141-254259-en)
- 20/07/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of health and long-term care insurance services and related claims administration services and employee assistance programme (2016/S 138-249736)
Notice : (2016-ojs138-249736-en)
- 14/07/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of corporate real estate management and strategic real estate advisory services (2016/S 134-241001)
Notice : (2016-ojs134-241001-en)
- 29/06/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of event agency services for the annual ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra, Portugal (2016/S 123-219859)
Notice : (2016-ojs123-219859-en)
- 29/06/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of consultancy and agency services on market infrastructure and payments (2016/S 123-219860)
Notice : (2016-ojs123-219860-en)
- 17/06/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of print centre services (2016/S 116-205466)
Notice : (2016-ojs116-205466-en)
- 01/06/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of an online registration tool for visitors (lot 1) and events (lot 2)(2016/S 104-185153)
Notice : (2016-ojs104-185153-en)
- 25/05/2016
1 January to 31 December 2015: Use of inter-institutional framework agreements
Notice : (use_of_inter-institutional_framework_agreements)
- 17/05/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of a treasury management system (2016/S 093-165651)
Notice : (2016-ojs093-165651-en)
- 12/05/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of VIP Limousine and Shuttle Services and Supply of Temporary Chauffeur Services (2016/S 091-162458)
Notice : (2016-ojs091-162458-en)
- 10/05/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of Support for Project Management,Quality Assurance on Asset Quality Reviews, Stress-testing and the Provision of non-statutory Audit Service (Lots 1-4)
Notice : (lot_1)
- 26/04/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Invitation to tender for the provision of business suits (2016/S 081-143185)
Notice : (2016-ojs081-143185-en)
- 25/04/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of audio and media services and rental of technical equipment (2016/S 080-140916)
Notice : (2016-ojs080-140916-en_2)
- 22/04/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of services related to advice on the communication of the European Cultural Days of the ECB (2016/S 079-139463)
Notice : (2016-ojs079-139463-en)
- 21/04/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of a facility management (FM) service desk and switchboard and related consultancy services (2016/S 078-138255)
Notice : (2016-ojs078-138255-en)
- 29/03/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of support on the development and review of internal models (2016/S 061-102542)
Notice : (2016-ojs061-102542-en)
- 23/03/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of services for the Wallstreet Suite (2016/S 058-097009)
Notice : (2016-ojs058-097009-en)
- 16/03/2016
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2015
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice15)
- 14/03/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of space management consultancy services (2016/S 051-083928)
Notice : (2016-ojs051-083928-en)
- 11/03/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of public relations consultancy for France (2016/S 050-082087)
Notice : (2016-ojs050-082087-en)
- 07/03/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of advertising services related to recruitment (2016/S 046-074972)
Notice : (2016-ojs046-074972-en)
- 11/02/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Web-based reporting platform — breach reporting mechanism (BRM) (2016/S 029-046151)
Notice : (2016-ojs029-046151-en)
- 22/01/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - T2S VAN (value added network) connectivity and its integration with the ECB IT environment (2016/S 015-021082)
Notice : (2016-ojs015-021082-en)
- 20/01/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - Invitation to tender for the provision of editing and proof reading in English and translation into English PRO-00611 (2016/S 013-017792)
Notice : (2016-ojs013-017792-en)
- 19/01/2016
Contract award notice: ECB - PRO-000436 — Provision of supply and maintenance of server hardware and operating system software (2016/S 012-016185)
Notice : (2016-ojs012-016185-en)
- 04/01/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Consultancy services for risk management (2016/S 001-000019)
Notice : (2016-ojs001-000019-en)
- 04/01/2016
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of support in the assessment of management and leadership skills and talent development programmes (2015/S 253-462321)
Notice : (2015-ojs253-462321-en)
- 29/12/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Managed print services (2015/S 251-459878)
Notice : (2015-ojs251-459878-en)
- 26/12/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of support for project management, quality assurance on asset quality reviews, stress-testing, and the provision of non-statutory audit services (2015/S 250-456382)
Notice : (2015-ojs250-456382-en)
- 16/12/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Investment manager services for the ECB's pension fund (2015/S 243-440502)
Notice : (2015-ojs243-440502-en)
- 14/12/2015
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of travel services and handling of travel expenses (2015/S 241-436432)
Notice : (2015-ojs241-436432-en)
- 09/12/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of end user computing and system operation (EUCSO) managed services (2015/S 238-431419)
Notice : (2015-ojs238-431419-en)
- 08/12/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Invitation to tender for the provision of legal translation and other related services in several EU official languages (2015/S 237-429615)
Notice : (2015-ojs237-429615-en)
- 19/11/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Supply and maintenance of network and WDM components (2015/S 224-407261)
Notice : (2015-ojs224-407261-en)
- 13/11/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of services relating to the production of publications (2015/S 220-400211)
Notice : (2015-ojs220-400211-en)
- 05/11/2015
Voluntary contract notice: Electronic Full Text Platform for periodicals and serials (PRO-001457)
Notice : (pro-001457_-_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 02/11/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of audio and media services and rental of technical equipment (2015/S 212-384001)
Notice : (2015-ojs212-384001-en)
- 28/10/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Invitation to tender for the provision of translation services into English (2015/S 209-378671)
Notice : (2015-ojs209-378671-en)
- 19/10/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of services related to advice on the communication of the European Cultural Days of the ECB (2015/S 202-365047)
Notice : (20151017_communication_of_the_european_cultural_days_of_the_ecb_contract_notice)
- 12/10/2015
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of event agency services for the annual ECB Forum on Central Banking - held in Sintra, Portugal (2015/S 197-355837)
Notice : (2015-ojs197-355837-en_provision_of_event_agency_services_for_the_annual_ecb_forum_on_central_banking_held_in_sintra_portugal)
- 09/10/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of balance sheet, income statement and financial data (2015/S 196-354136)
Notice : (2015-ojs196-354136-en)
- 07/10/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of consultancy and agency services on market infrastructure and payments (2015/S 194-350794)
Notice : (2015-ojs194-350794-en)
- 06/10/2015
Contract award notice: ECB - Remote legal translation services from all other official European Union (EU) languages into English (2015/S 193-348972)
Notice : (2015-ojs193-348972-en)
- 02/10/2015
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of supply services for periodicals and journals, arrival management services for periodicals and journals, and a newspaper portal (2015/S 191-344867)
Notice : (2015-ojs191-344867-en)
- 24/09/2015
Bekanntmachung vergebener Aufträge: EZB - PRO-000478 Stromversorgungsleistungen EZB-Eurotower (2015/S 185-335232)
Notice : (2015-ojs185-335232-de)
- 18/09/2015
Voluntary contract notice: ECB - Provision of medical services with regard to occupational safety and health (PRO-001265)
Notice : (20150929_-_pro-001265_-_voluntary_contract_notice_-_osh_doctor)
- 16/09/2015
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of services for the transport, set-up and maintenance of a travelling exhibition (2015/S 173-314099)
Notice : (2015-ojs173-314099-en)
- 14/09/2015
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of management consultancy services (2015/S 177-319865)
Notice : (2015-ojs177-319865-en)
- 02/09/2015
Voluntary contract notice: ECB - Supply of Administrative and Secretarial Temporary Labour (PRO-000629)
Notice : (00-pro_000629_-_voluntary_contract_notice_temporary_labour_)
- 10/08/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of works and services related to the planning, organisation,set-up and dismantling of the Eurosystem stand at the annual Sibos exhibition (2015/S 152-279486)
Notice : (2015-ojs152-279486-en)
- 31/07/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision of IT conceptual consultancy works and services (2015/S 146-268334)
Notice : (2015-ojs146-268334-en)
- 28/07/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of support services for selected internal audit activities (2015/S 143-263175)
Notice : (2015-ojs143-263175-en)
- 24/07/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of structured finance and covered bond cash flow modelling and ABS market prices data services - Lot 1: ABS and covered bond cash flow modelling and theoretical pricing tool (2015/S 141-258956)
Notice : (2015-ojs141-258956-en)
- 10/07/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of a tailor-made multi-source feedback (MSF) assessment tool (2015/S 131-239883)
Notice : (2015-ojs131-239883-en)
- 10/07/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Internet-based competency testing (2015/S 131-239884)
Notice : (2015-ojs131-239884-en)
- 07/07/2015
Contract award notice: ECB - Provision of electronic trading platforms (2015/S 128-234435)
Notice : (2015-ojs128-234435-en)
- 07/07/2015
Contract notice: ECB - Provision, implementation and maintenance of an out-hosted ORM/BCM system (2015/S 128-234434)
Notice : (2015-ojs128-234434-en)
- 10/06/2015
Contract Notice: ECB - Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Editing and Proofreading in English and Translation into English - PRO-000611 (2015/S 110-199000)
Notice : (2015-ojs110-199000-en)
- 26/05/2015
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of support on the development and review of internal models (2015/S 099-178278)
Notice : (2015-ojs099-178278-en)
- 20/05/2015
Contract Notice: ECB - T2S VAN (value added network) connectivity and its integration with the ECB IT environment (2015/S 096-173171)
Notice : (2015-ojs096-173171-en)
- 13/05/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Chemical analysis of raw materials and euro banknotes and reporting on results (2015/S 092-164549)
Notice : (2015-ojs092-164549-en)
- 30/04/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of services related to advice on art activities of the ECB (2015/S 084-148666)
Notice : (2015-ojs084-148666-en)
- 27/04/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - T141 — Lifting platforms (2015/S 081-142301)
Notice : (t141_contract_award_notice_published_oj_2015-ojs081-142301-en)
- 24/04/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Performance of on-site supervisory activities (2015/S 080-140441)
Notice : (2015-ojs080-140441-en)
- 24/04/2015
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of supply services for periodicals and journals, arrival management services for periodicals and journals, and a newspaper portal (2015/S 080-140440)
Notice : (2015-ojs080-140440-en)
- 17/04/2015
Contract Notice: Provision of Supply and Maintenance of Server Hardware and Operating System Software (2015/S 075-131087)
Notice : (published_contract_notice_-_provision_of_supply_and_maintenance_of_server_hardware_and_operating_system_software_pro-000436)
- 07/04/2015
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of advertising services related to recruitment (2015/S 067-117238)
Notice : (published_cn_advertising_services_pro-000371)
- 17/03/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of legal editing in English and related services (2015/S 053-091745)
Notice : (2015-ojs053-091745-en-ts-)
- 17/03/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of actuarial services to the ECB (2015/S 053-091744)
Notice : (2015-ojs053-091744-en-ts-)
- 17/03/2015
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2014
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice14)
- 05/03/2015
Contract Award Notice: Provision of media monitoring and media analysis services (2015/S 045-077145) - Lot 2
Notice : (2015-03-05_-_2015-ojs045-077145-en)
- 26/02/2015
Contract Award Notice: Provision of filming/videos/animations and webcasting services (2015/S 040-067757)
Notice : (2015-ojs040-067757-en)
- 25/02/2015
Contract Notice: Provision of relocation services, logistic services and temporary labour (2015/S 039-065705)
Notice : (2015-ojs039-065705-en)
- 25/02/2015
Contract Notice: Provision of travel services and handling of travel expenses (2015/S 039-065706)
Notice : (2015-ojs039-065706-en)
- 11/02/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Open procedure for the provision of mobile communication services - SIM cards (2015/S 029-048105)
Notice : (2015-ojs029-048105-en)
- 04/02/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of project management services for building and refurbishment projects (2015/S 024-038928)
Notice : (2015-ojs024-038928-en)
- 04/02/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of media monitoring and analysis services (2015/S 024-038927)
Notice : (2015-ojs024-038927-en)
- 03/02/2015
Auftragsbekanntmachung: Stromversorgungsleistungen EZB-Eurotower (2015/S 023-037085)
Notice : (2015-ojs023-037085-de)
- 27/01/2015
Market survey: Lawyer-linguist services for Bulgarian (Reference: PRO-000383)
Notice : (market_survey_lawyer_linguist_services_for_bulgarian_pro000383cn)
- 22/01/2015
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Accident Insurance (2015/S 015-022095)
Notice : (2015-ojs015-022095-en)
- 29/12/2014
Contract Award Notice: T2S VAN (value added network) connectivity and its integration with the ECB IT environment (2014/S 248-437372)
Notice : (2014-ojs248-437372-en)
- 17/12/2014
Contract Notice: Cancellation - Provision of insurance cover for Target 2 Securities (Contract Notice nr. 2014/S 243-427191 / Internal ref. nr. 20851/T2S/2011)
Notice : (2014-ojs243-427191-en)
- 28/11/2014
Contract Notice: Performance of on-site supervisory activities (2014/S 230-405194)
Notice : (20141128_-_2014-s-230-405194)
- 28/11/2014
Contract Notice: Provision of services related to advice on art activities of the ECB (2014/S 228-401871)
Notice : (2014-11-26_-pro-000133_contract_notice_2014-ojs228-401871-en)
- 28/10/2014
Contract Notice: Consultancy services for the maintenance and development of the environmental management system at the ECB (2014/S 207-365943)
Notice : (2014-ojs207-365943-en)
- 28/10/2014
Contract Notice: Provision of works and services related to the planning, organisation, set-up and dismantling of the Eurosystem stand at the annual Sibos exhibition (2014/S 206-363912)
Notice : (2014-ojs206-363912-en)
- 13/10/2014
Contract Notice ECB - T141 — Lifting platforms - Corrigendum (2014/S 196-345687)
Notice : (t141_-_corrigendum_2014-ojs196-345687-en)
- 06/10/2014
Contract Award Notice 27454/A/PRE/2013 — Stromversorgungsleistungen des EZB-Neubaus 2014/S 191-335901
Notice : (141006_27454_a_pre_2013_2014-ojs191-335901-can_de)
- 01/10/2014
Contract Notice - Provision of Structured Finance and Covered Bond Cash Flow Modelling and ABS Market Prices Data Services (2014/S 188-330934)
Notice : (2014-ojs188-330934-en)
- 19/09/2014
Contract Award Notice - ECB - Provision of fitness equipment for the ECB fitness centre(s) (2014/S 180-316751)
Notice : (2014-ojs180-316751-en)
- 10/09/2014
Auftragsbekanntmachung — T141 — Hubsteiger (2014/S 173-305766)
Notice : (nep_po-140910-for-pmn_t141_cn_published_de)
- 10/09/2014
Contract Notice — T141 — Lifting platforms (2014/S 173-305766)
Notice : (nep_po-140910-for-pmn_t141_cn_published_en)
- 02/09/2014
Bekanntmachung: PRO-000150 — Moebellieferung fuer die EZB-Liegenschaften (ausgeschlossen ist der neue Hauptsitz der EZB in der Sonnemannstraße) - 2014-OJS167-297197
Notice : (2014-ojs167-297197-deutsch_version)
- 07/08/2014
Contract Notice - Remote legal translation services from all other official European Union (EU) languages into English (2014/S 150-268956)
Notice : (2014-ojs150-268956-en)
- 30/07/2014
Contract Notice: Provision of Internet-based Competency Testing (2014/S 144-258034)
Notice : (2014-ojs144-258034-en)
- 24/07/2014
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Media Monitoring and Media Analysis Services – Lot 1 (2014/S 140-250458)
Notice : (2014-ojs140-250458-en)
- 18/07/2014
Contract Award Notice - Provision of consultancy works and services on the health and safety risk assessment of euro banknotes (24231/BN/CMA/2012) - OJ notice: 2014/S 136-243443
Notice : (140718_24231_bn_cma_2012_2014-ojs136-243443-can_en)
- 16/07/2014
Contract Notice - Invitation to tender for the provision of actuarial services to the ECB (2014/S 134-239669)
Notice : (2014-ojs134-239669-en)
- 11/07/2014
Contract Notice - Provision of insurance cover for Target 2 Securities (2014/S 131-233174)
Notice : (2014-ojs131-233174-en)
- 10/07/2014
Contract Award Notice - 27751/A/ADS/2014 - Renting of office furniture (2014/S 130-231892)
Notice : (contract_award_notice_-_27751aads2013_-_2014-ojs130-231892-en)
- 09/07/2014
Contract Award Notice - 26952/A/ACP/2013 - Framework agreement for the provision of services and works for assessments and analysis of accounting,financial reporting and cost accounting/controlling (2014/S 129-229855)
Notice : (can_-_26952aacp2013-en)
- 04/07/2014
Bekanntmachung: EZB Aussscheibung 155 - Facility Management Dienstleistungen - Los 5a Entsorgung (2014/S 126-223439)
Notice : (140704_2014-ojs126-223439-de_can_published_on_oj)
- 18/06/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) (2014/S 115-201811)
Notice : (2014-ojs115-201811-en1)
- 17/06/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Accident Insurance (2014/S 114-199797)
Notice : (2014-ojs114-199797-en1)
- 16/06/2014
Contact Award Notice: ECB - Surveys on the access to finance of enterprises (SAFE)(2014/S 113-198092)
Notice : (2014-ojs113-198092-en1)
- 16/06/2014
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of German Translation, Editing and Proofreading Services (2014/S 113-198091)
Notice : (2014-ojs113-198091-en1)
- 16/06/2014
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: ECB - Provision of on-line access to (a) legal research service(s) on UK and/or US law (27874/SE/IMS/2013)
Notice : (a_-_voluntary_contract_notice_for_provision_of_legal_research_service)
- 12/06/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Legal Editing in English and Related Services (2014/S 108-189245)
Notice : (2014-ojs108-189245-en1)
- 30/05/2014
Auftragsbekanntmachung: EZB - 27454/A/PRE/2013 — Stromversorgungsleistungen des EZB-Neubaus (2014/S 103-179758)
Notice : (2014-ojs103-179758-de1)
- 28/05/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of an Outhosted Library Management System (LMS) and Web-scale Discovery Service (WSD)(2014/S 102-177713)
Notice : (2014-ojs102-177713-en)
- 27/05/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - T139a — Screening Systems for Baggage and People Screening (2014/S 101-175779)
Notice : (0000000-140527-for-pmn_t139a_cn_publication_oj_en)
- 27/05/2014
Auftragsbekanntmachung: EZB - T139a — Durchleuchtungssysteme für die Durchleuchtung von Gepäck und Personen (2014/S 101-175779)
Notice : (0000000-140527-for-pmn_t139a_cn_publication_oj_de)
- 20/05/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - T2S VAN (Value Added Network) Connectivity and its Integration with the ECB IT Environment (2014/S 096-166907)
Notice : (2014-ojs096-166907-en1)
- 12/05/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Flower Arrangements and Plants including their Care and Maintenance (2014/S 090-156161)
Notice : (2014-ojs090-156161-en2)
- 08/05/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Infrastructural Facility Management — Cleaning Services (2014/S 089-154496)
Notice : (2014-05-08_27951_a_ads_2014_2014-ojs089-154496-en1)
- 08/05/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of a Tailor-Made Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) Assessment Tool (2014/S 089-154495)
Notice : (2014-ojs089-154495-en1)
- 24/04/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Open Procedure for the Provision of Mobile Communication Service (SIM cards)(2014/S 080-139299)
Notice : (2014-ojs080-139299-en1)
- 09/04/2014
Bekanntmachung: EZB - Sachversicherung für New ECB Premises (2014/S 070-119670)
Notice : (2014-ojs070-119670-de)
- 21/03/2014
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of equipment and goods (2014/S 057-094085)
Notice : (2014-03-21_25934-a-ads-2013_provision_of_equipment_and_goods_-_published_contract_award_notice)
- 17/03/2014
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2013
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice13)
- 10/03/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - T143 — Mobile Telephone In-House Distribution System (2014/S 048-079566)
Notice : (000000-140308-for-pmn_t143_contract_notice_oj_en)
- 10/03/2014
Bekanntmachung: EZB - T143 — Mobilfunk-In-House-Verteilsystem (2014/S 048-079566)
Notice : (000000-140308-for-pmn_t143_contract_notice_oj_de)
- 04/03/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Support Services for Selected Internal Audit Activities (2014/S 044-072574)
Notice : (2014-ojs044-072574-en1)
- 28/02/2014
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of the Supply and Maintenance of IT End-User Computer Hardware Equipment (2014/S 042-069048)
Notice : (2014-ojs042-069048-en2)
- 21/02/2014
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of SAP Human Capital Management (HCM) Services (2014/S 037-060297)
Notice : (2014-ojs037-060297-en2)
- 18/02/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Renting of Office Furniture (2014/S 034-054565)
Notice : (2014-ojs034-054565-en1)
- 14/02/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Works and Services on the Health and Safety Risk Assessment of Euro Banknotes/ 24231/BN/CMA/2012 (2014/S 032-050727)
Notice : (2014-ojs032-050727-en1)
- 10/02/2014
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Fitness Equipment for the ECB Fitness Centre(s) (2014/S 028-043923)
Notice : (2014-ojs028-043923-en)
- 03/02/2014
Cotract Award Notice: ECB - T202 - Supply of Furniture - Multifunction Zones in the Office Area for the New ECB Premises (2014/S 023-035032)
Notice : (nep_po-140201-for-pmn_t202_can_oj-publication_en)
- 03/02/2014
Bekanntmachung: EZB - T202 - Möbellieferung - Multifunktionszonen im Officebereich für das EZB-Neubauprojekt (2014/S 023-035032)
Notice : (nep_po-140201-for-pmn_t202_can_oj-publication_de)
- 28/01/2014
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Consultancy Services in Relation to Eurosystem Collateral Policy/Transparency Initiatives (2014/S 019-028626)
Notice : (2014-ojs019-028626-en)
- 15/01/2014
Request for Proposal: ECB - Research Visitor Programme for the DG International and European Relations (27893/I/2013) - Procurement procedure without publication of an Official Journal notice in accordance with Article 29 of Decision ECB/2007/5
Notice : (research_visitor_in_dg-i_call_for_proposals)
- 09/01/2014
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Childcare Mediation Services (2013/S 248-431833)
Notice : (2013-ojs248-431833-en1)
- 06/01/2014
Additional Information: ECB - Provision of a Visual Perception Simulator 'Human Sensory Model' by Eye-tracking Experiments - 18928/BN/CDE/2011 (2013/S 249-433910)
Notice : (2013-ojs249-433910-en1)
- 01/01/2014
Use of inter-institutional framework agreements (FWA Reference number DI-07150)
Notice : (1_january_to_31_december_2014_-_use_of_inter-institutional_framework_agreements)
- 19/12/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of supply services for Periodicals and Journals, Newspapers and Books (2013/S 243-422083)
Notice : (2013-ojs243-422083_contract_award_notice_-_tender_on_library_services)
- 12/12/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Filming/Videos/Animations and Webcasting Services (2013/S 241-418284)
Notice : (2013-ojs241-418284-en1)
- 19/11/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Framework Agreement for the Provision of Services and Works for Assessments and Analysis of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Cost Accounting/Controlling (2013/S 224-389018)
Notice : (2013-ojs224-389018-en)
- 19/11/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - T147a - Supply of Furniture and Equipment for the New ECB Premises (2013/S 224-389017)
Notice : (nep_po-131119-for-pmn_t147a_can_published_en)
- 19/11/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - T147b - Supply of Furniture for the New ECB Premises (2013/S 224-389016)
Notice : (nep_po-131119-for-pmn_t147b_can_published_en)
- 30/10/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Equipment and Goods (2013/S 211-364991)
Notice : (2013-ojs211-364991-en)
- 29/10/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Removal Services for ECB Staff (upon appointment and termination of service) (2013/S 210-363324)
Notice : (2013-ojs210-363324-en1)
- 22/10/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Surveys on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE)(2013/S 205-354314)
Notice : (2013-ojs205-354314-en1)
- 17/10/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision and Management of a Voice Managed Service (2013/S 202-348855)
Notice : (2013-ojs202-348855-en1)
- 10/10/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of dark fibre services (2013/S 197-339639)
Notice : (2013-ojs197-339639-en)
- 16/09/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - T203 – Transport Services for Relocation to the New ECB Premises (2013/S 179-308006)
Notice : (000000-130914-for-pmn_t203_contract_notice_oj_en)
- 16/09/2013
Bekanntmachung: EZB - T203 – Speditionsleistungen für den Umzug in den Neubau der EZB (2013/S 179-308006)
Notice : (000000-130914-for-pmn_t203_contract_notice_oj_de)
- 03/09/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Media Monitoring and Analysis Services (2013/S 170-294141)
Notice : (2013-ojs170-294141-en1)
- 29/08/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Open Procedure for the Provision of the Supply and Maintenance of IT End-User Computer Hardware Equipment
Notice : (2013-ojs167-289343-en2)
- 27/08/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Insurance Management Services for ECB (2013/S 165-286306)
Notice : (2013-ojs165-286306-en1)
- 19/08/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Performance of the ECB's Statutory External Audit for the Financial Years 2013–2017 (2013/S 159-276977)
Notice : (conract_award_notice_-_2013-ojs159-276977)
- 06/08/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of Logistic Services (2013/S 149-258294)
Notice : (2013-ojs149-258294-en1)
- 04/07/2013
Contract Award Notice: Supply, Implementation and Maintenance of a Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM), and an Out-of-Band Management Solution(2013/S 128-219234)
Notice : (2013-ojs128-219234-en)
- 03/07/2013
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure - Provision of a Holistic View and Assessment of the Impact of Gas Extinguishing Systems on Hard Disk Storage Systems in Datacentre Environments/ Ref. 26153/A/PRE/2013
Notice : (deadline_extended_26153_a_pre_2013_vcn_pre_noise_emissions_doc)
- 11/06/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of German Translation, Editing and Proofreading Services (2013/S 111-188942)
Notice : (2013-ojs111-188942-en1)
- 24/05/2013
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure - Freelance Lawyer-Linguists with Hungarian as their Main Language
Notice : (01_hu_voluntary_contract_notice_-_25638_l_leg_2013)
- 22/05/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Provision of a New Network and Related Services for the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and Other Companies - 20857/IS/2011 (2013/S 095-160683)
Notice : (award_notice_2013-ojs095-160683-en)
- 03/05/2013
Contract Notice: ECB - Provision of Childcare Mediation Services (2013/S 086-144675)
Notice : (2013-ojs086-144675-en)
- 29/04/2013
Bekanntmachung: EZB-Ausschreibung 155-Facility-Management-Dienstleistungen-Los 5a Entsorgung (2013/S 083-138537)
Notice : (13042925631_a_ads_0013_t155-5a_contract_notice_oj_de)
- 22/04/2013
Contract Award Notice: ECB - T113C - Media Technology (2013/S 078-130100)
Notice : (t113c_media_technology_contract_award_notice_en_20130422)
- 09/04/2013
Contract Notice: Provision of Removal Services for ECB Staff (upon appointment and termination of service)(2013/S 069-113594)
Notice : (2013-ojs069-113594-en1)
- 21/03/2013
Contract Notice: Provision of Insurance Management Services for ECB (2013/S 056-090855)
Notice : (2013-ojs056-090855-en)
- 20/03/2013
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: Freelance Translators for Estonian (Ref. 25417/C/LGS/2013)
Notice : (draft_et-_voluntary_contract_notice_for_translation_services-fin_edited__15_03_2013.doc..doc)
- 15/03/2013
Contract Award Notice: Internet Access Services (2012/S 242-396885)
Notice : (17068_is_ino_2012_contract_award_notice_published_15122012)
- 15/03/2013
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2012
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofnotice12)
- 06/03/2013
Contract Notice: Provision of Supply Services for Periodicals and Journals, Newspapers and Books (2013/S 046-072894)
Notice : (2013-ojs046-072894-en)
- 14/02/2013
Contract Award Notice: T2S Insurance Management Services (2013/S 032-049333)
Notice : (ted__contract_award_notice)
- 13/02/2013
Contract Notice: Provision of Logistic Services (2013/S 031-047570)
Notice : (2013-ojs031-047570-en)
- 08/02/2013
Contract Award Notice: Performance of Quantitative and Qualitative Research (2013/S 028-042279)
Notice : (2013-ojs028-042279-en)
- 24/01/2013
Cancellation of Contract Notice: T147a – Supply of Furniture and Equipment for the new ECB Premises — Lot 4: Metal Shelving/Furniture (Pallet Shelves, Metal Cabinets, Steel Shelving, Metal Drawer Cabinets, Metal Rotating Cabinets, Sorting Tables)
Notice : (nep_po-130123-ten-pmn_t147a_lot_04_cancellation_notice_publication_en)
- 28/12/2012
Contract Notice: Provision of consultancy services in relation to Eurosystem collateral policy/transparency initiatives (2012/S 249-411519)
Notice : (2012-ojs249-411519-en)
- 22/12/2012
Contract Award Notice: Performance of external quality assessments for internal audit functions (2012/S 247-404949)
Notice : (performance_of_external_quality_assessments_for_internal_audit_functions-en)
- 20/12/2012
Contract Notice: Supply of Office Copy Paper (2012/S 240-394612)
Notice : (2012-ojs240-394612-en)
- 04/12/2012
Auftragsbekanntmachung: Errichtung eines Gebäudes für die Nachmittagsbetreuung von Schulkindern (2012/S 230-377660)
Notice : (2012-ojs230-377660-de)
- 04/12/2012
Contract Notice: T202 - Supply of Furniture – Multifunction Zones in the Office Area for the New ECB Premises (2012/S 233-382126)
Notice : (nep_po-121204-ten-pmn-t202_contract_notice_en)
- 22/11/2012
Cancellation of Contract Notice: Supply of Furniture for the New ECB Premises — Lot 4: Multi-Function Zones in the Office Area (Modular Partition-Wall Systems, Seating/Lounge, Bar Tables) - 2012/S 222-364804
Notice : (nep_po-121117-for-pmn-t147b_lot_04_cancellation_notice_e)
- 08/11/2012
Contract Award Notice: T167 technical expert services for fire detection and alarm systems, safety lighting and standby power supply, and for an electrical heavy-current installation
Notice : (t167_contract_award_oj_publication)
- 29/10/2012
Contract Notice: T147a – Supply of Furniture and Equipment for the New ECB Premises (2012/S 208-340986)
Notice : (rbs052-121027-ten-pmn-t147a_contract_notice_en)
- 09/10/2012
Contract Notice: T2S Insurance Management Services (2012/S 178-291886)
Notice : (2012-ojs178-291886-en)
- 09/10/2012
Contract Notice: SAP Human Capital Management (HCM) Maintenance Services — (23156/IS/ENS/2012) - 2012/S 194-318049
Notice : (published_contract_notice_23156)
- 25/09/2012
Contract Notice: Chemical Analysis of Raw Materials and Euro Banknotes and Reporting on Results (20489/BN/CMA/2011)- 2012/S 184-301428
Notice : (2012-ojs184-301428-en)
- 21/09/2012
Contract Notice: Provision of a Visual Perception Simulator 'Human Sensory Model' by Eye-Tracking Experiments (18928/BN/CDE/2011)- 2012/S 182-297674
Notice : (120921_19829_bn_cde_2012-ojs182-297674_contract_notice_en_published)
- 05/09/2012
Contract Notice: Provision of Interpreting Services (2012/S 170-280373)
Notice : (22711_a_ads_2012_published_oj_notice_05_09_2012)
- 04/09/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure – Freelance Lawyer-Linguists with Greek as their Main Language (Ref. ECB/23531/2012)
Notice : (el_-_voluntary_contract_notice_sept_2012)
- 31/07/2012
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Pre-Press and Printing Services (2012/S 145-241206)
Notice : (2012-ojs145-241206-en)
- 25/07/2012
Contract Notice: Performance of the ECB's Statutory External Audit for the Financial Years 2013–2017 (2012-OJS141-234268)
Notice : (2012-ojs141-234268-en)
- 25/07/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: Freelance Legal Translators and Lawyer-Linguists with Italian as Their Main Language (Ref. ECB/22533/2012)
Notice : (it_voluntary_contract_notice_-_22533_l_leg_2012)
- 12/07/2012
Contract Notice: Dark Fibre Services (2012/S 132-218165)
Notice : (120712_20388_is_ino_2011_cn_published_oj_en)
- 11/07/2012
Contract Notice: Open Procedure for the Operation of an Extended Custodial Inventory Programme for euro Banknotes (2012/S 130-214742)
Notice : (2012-ojs130-214742-en)
- 11/07/2012
Contract Notice: Voice Managed Services (2012/S 129-212926)
Notice : (2012-ojs129-212926-en)
- 11/07/2012
Contract Award Notice: IS Consultancy and Services Framework - Lot 1 (2012/S 118-194276)
Notice : (14159_is_2010_lot_1_contract_award_notice)
- 11/07/2012
Contract Award Notice: IS Consultancy and Services Framework - Lot 2 (2012/S 118-194277)
Notice : (14159_is_2010_lot_2_contract_award_notice)
- 27/06/2012
Contract notice: performance of external quality assessments for internal audit functions (2012/S 121-199746)
Notice : (22051_ia_asv_2012_performance_of_external_quality_assessments_for_internal_audit_functions_oj)
- 27/06/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure – Freelance Legal Translators and Lawyer-Linguists with Latvian as their Main Language (Ref. ECB/22954/2012)
Notice : (voluntary_contract_notice_lv_fsas)
- 19/06/2012
Auftragsbekanntmachung: T167 – Sachverständigenleistungen für Brandmelde- und Alarmierungsanlagen,Sicherheitsbeleuchtung und Ersatzstromversorgung sowie für eine elektrische Starkstromanlage (2012/S 115-189346)
Notice : (nep_po-120619-for-pmn_t167_cn_verffentlichung_de)
- 15/06/2012
Contract Award Notice: 17488/SL/SEC/2011 - Editing and proofreading of documents drafted in English and related services (2012/S 105-174081)
Notice : (17488_sl_sec_2011_contract_award_notice_published_oj_en)
- 13/06/2012
Contract Notice: Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM), System Out-of-Band Management Devices and Related Centralised Management Software (2012/S 110-181811)
Notice : (20772_is_ino_2011_dcim_contract_notice_2012-076643_31052012)
- 10/05/2012
Contract Notice: Framework Contract with a System Integrator for the Supply of Storage Services (2012/S 88-143407)
Notice : (143407_2012.en_ts)
- 03/05/2012
Contract Notice: T147b – Supply of Furniture for the new ECB Premises (2012/S 83-135116)
Notice : (nep_po-120428-ten-pmn-t147b_cn_oj_published_en)
- 03/05/2012
Contract Notice: Performance of Quantitative and Qualitative Research (2012/S 78-127234)
Notice : (127234_2012.en_ts)
- 03/05/2012
Contract Award Notice: T157 — Kitchen Furniture and Appliances for the New ECB Premises (2012/S 61-098198)
Notice : (nep_po-120328-for-pmn-t157_contract_award_notice_en)
- 03/05/2012
Contract Award Notice: T161 — Building Cleaning for the New ECB Premises (2012/S 81-131876)
Notice : (nep_po-120426-for-pmn-t161_contract_award_notice_en)
- 16/04/2012
Cancellation Notice: T155 – facility management services for the new ECB premises - Lot 5 waste disposal (2012/S 71-117151)
Notice : (120416_oj_t155_lot5_cancellation_notice_en)
- 19/03/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: US Economic Analysis (21583/SL/ALR/2012)
Notice : (21583_sl_alr_2012_us_economic_analysis)
- 16/03/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Czech (ECB/21931/2012)
Notice : (ecb_21931_2012_-_voluntary_contract_notice_for_legal_translation_services_into_czech_-_as_published)
- 15/03/2012
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2011
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofnotice11)
- 13/03/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Lithuanian (ECB/21971/2012)
Notice : (21971_-_lt_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 09/03/2012
Contract Award Notice: ECB - T099 — Relocation Manager (2012/S 29-045735)
Notice : (nep_po-120211-for-pmn_t099_relocation_manager_can_en)
- 07/03/2012
Contract Notice: Provision of a New Network and Related Services for the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and Other Companies — 20857/IS/2011 (2012/S 44-070821)
Notice : (contract_notice_20857_is_2011)
- 28/02/2012
Corrigendum: Contract Notice: Provision of Services for the Wallstreet Systems Suite (2012/S 40-063621)
Notice : (063621_2012.en_ts)
- 28/02/2012
Contract Notice: T113c: Media Technology (2012/S 39-061910)
Notice : (nep_po-1200225-for-pmn_t113c_media_technology_cn_en)
- 28/02/2012
Contract Notice: Provision of Recruitment Support for Management Positions at the European Central Bank (2012/S 40-063620)
Notice : (063620_2012.en_ts)
- 27/02/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Portuguese (ECB/21631/2012)
Notice : (pt_voluntary_contract_notice_-_fsas_2012-2016)
- 20/02/2012
Contract Award Notice: Erbringung von Versicherungsleistungen (2012/S 33-052112)
Notice : (052112_2012.de_ts)
- 15/02/2012
Contract Award Notice: Supply, Implement and Maintain CAFM Solution to Support NEP FM Processes (2012/S 22-034548)
Notice : (14779_is_ens_2010_contract_award_notice)
- 15/02/2012
Contract Award Notice: Tender for Supply and Maintenance of Server Hardware and Operating Systems (2012/S 22-034549)
Notice : (11804_is_ops_2009_contract_award_notice)
- 13/02/2012
Contract Notice: ECB - provision of services for the Wallstreet Systems Suite (2012/S 28-044178)
Notice : (ecb_-_provision_of_services_for_the_wallstreet_systems_suite_en)
- 24/01/2012
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Personnel Placement and Supply Services Relating to IT Operational and Support Activities (2012/S 13-019534)
Notice : (2012s-13-019534)
- 23/01/2012
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure: Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Danish (ECB/21391/2011)
Notice : (21391_da_voluntary_contract_notice_-_fsas_2012-2016)
- 09/01/2012
Contract award notice: T112B - fit out 4 for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (t112b_oj_contract_award_notice_published_en_20120109)
- 09/01/2012
Contract award notice: T113B-kitchen/fixed furniture/fit-out for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (t113b_oj_contract_award_notice_published_en_20120109)
- 24/12/2011
Cancellation notice: T112B Lot 6 Ironmongery
Notice : (t112b_06_oj_cancellation_notice_incomplete_prodecure_en)
- 24/12/2011
Cancellation notice: T113B Lot 02 - fixed furniture for restaurant
Notice : (t113b_02_oj_cancellation_notice_incomplete_procedure_en)
- 09/12/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Tender Procedure: Freelance Legal Translators and Lawyer-Linguists for Swedish (ECB/20831/2011)
Notice : (20831_sv_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 08/12/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Tender Procedure: Freelance Legal Translators and Lawyer-Linguists for German (ECB/20891/2011)
Notice : (20891_-_de_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 05/12/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Tender Procedure: Electronic Full Text Platform for periodicals and serials (20860/SL/ALR/2011)
Notice : (20860_full_text_platform_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 24/11/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Tender Procedure: Country Risk, Travel Security and Pandemic Information Services (20569/SL/ALR/2011)
Notice : (20569_sl_alr_2011-rev)
- 22/11/2011
Contract award notice: T 111C - furnishings/completion for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t111c_contract_award_notice_oj_published_en_111122)
- 16/11/2011
Contract award notice: T 142 - supply of trees for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t142_oj_notice_published_en_111116)
- 08/11/2011
Contract Notice: Consultancy support for NEP facility management activities 2011/S 214-348219
Notice : (oj_111108_19069_a_pre_2011_consultancy_services_cn_en)
- 29/10/2011
Contract award notice: 13360/BN/CDE/2009 NEWRO — market study for new euro banknote technologies 2011/S 209-339278
Notice : (oj_13360_bn_cde_2009_newro_contract_award_notice_published_en)
- 24/10/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Tender Procedure: Freelance Legal Translators for Documentation Relating to Court Cases (German into French) - Ref. ECB/20211/2011
Notice : (ecb-20211-2011)
- 19/10/2011
Contract Notice: Provision of Architectural and Project Management Services (2011/S 201-326355)
Notice : (326355)
- 14/10/2011
Procurement of Administrative and Secretarial Temporary Labour
Notice : (agency_staff_-_advertisement)
- 12/10/2011
Contract Notice: Provision of Pre-Press and Printing
Notice : (318531)
- 08/10/2011
Contract award notice: T153 - weak current installations, security (KG450)-communication systems for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t153_contract_award_notice_oj_en)
- 04/10/2011
Contract Award notice - T 114 external works for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t114_contract_award_notice_in_oj_en_111004)
- 29/09/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Tender Procedure: Freelance Legal Translators and Lawyer-Linguists for Finnish (ECB/20229/2011)
Notice : (fi_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 29/09/2011
Contract Award Notice: Provision of Travel Services and Handling of Travel Expenses
Notice : (262727)
- 08/09/2011
Contract award notice: T113A - technical equipment in the security technology field for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t113a_contract_award_notice_110902)
- 02/09/2011
Contract award notice: T111B - fit out 3 for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t111b_contract_award_notice_110902)
- 02/09/2011
Contract award notice: T112A - fit out 2 for the new ECB premises
Notice : (t112a_contract_award_notice_110902)
- 31/08/2011
Contract Notice: Provision of Consultancy Work Supporting the Upgrading of the ECB's Procure-to-Pay Processes in SAP (2011/S 154-254890)
Notice : (254890)
- 29/08/2011
Corrigendum to Contract Notice: Provision of Consultancy Work Supporting the Upgrading of the ECB's Procure-to-Pay Processes in SAP (2011/S 154-254890
Notice : (262728)
- 29/08/2011
Contract Notice: Support and Consultancy Services for ECB Procurement Process (2011/S 164-269811)
Notice : (269811)
- 09/08/2011
Contract award notice: T146 - Media Technology Planning for the new ECB Premises
Notice : (t146_contract_award_notice_media_technology_en)
- 08/08/2011
Contract Notice - Corrigendum: T155 Facility Management Services (2011/S 150-248661)
Notice : (248661_2011.en_ts)
- 03/08/2011
Contract Notice: Provision of Advertising Services Related to Recruitment (2011/S 146-241280)
Notice : (241280_2011.en_ts)
- 03/08/2011
Contract Notice: Provision of Audio/Media Services and Rental of Technical Equipment (Framework Agreement)- (2011/S 147-243272)
Notice : (243272_2011.en_ts)
- 26/07/2011
Contract notice: T155 Facility Management Services (2011/S 141-233206)
Notice : (110726_17673_a_nep_2011_cn_t155_published_oj_en)
- 20/07/2011
Contract award notice: T111A - fit out 1 for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (t111a_contract_award_notice_fit_out1_en)
- 20/07/2011
Contract award notice: T052b - furnishing planning for the NEW ECB Premises
Notice : (t052b_contract_award_notice_furnishing_planning_en)
- 18/07/2011
Contract Notice: Euro Banknotes and Coins Communication Campaigns (2011/S 135-223345)
Notice : (223345-final)
- 09/07/2011
Contract notice: T161-building cleaning for the New ECB Premises (2011/S130-214799)
Notice : (t161_published_notice_en)
- 28/06/2011
Bekanntmachung: Erbringung von Versicherungsleistungen (2011/S 121-199364)
Notice : (199364_2011.de_ts)
- 21/06/2011
Call for Applications for Inclusion in a List of Suppliers for Specialised Training Courses for Translators
Notice : (call_for_applications_17824-sl-lgs-2011)
- 15/06/2011
Contract Notice: Internet Access Services (2011/S 113-185236)
Notice : (17068-2011_final)
- 07/06/2011
Contract Notice: Medical Insurance Services and Medical Claim Administration Services (2011/S 108-176751)
Notice : (176751-2011)
- 10/05/2011
Corrigendum to Contract Notice: IS Consultancy and Services Framework (2011/S 89-143830)
Notice : (1._is_consultancy_services_framework_14159_is_2010_-_oj_notice.corrigendum_final)
- 18/04/2011
Contract Notice: IS consultancy and services framework (2011/S 75-121894)
Notice : (2011s-75-121894)
- 05/04/2011
Contract Award Notice: Multi-Source (360) Feedback Exercise for Managers Within the European Central Bank (2011/S 66-105890)
Notice : (105890_2011.en_ts)
- 22/03/2011
Cancellation notice: T111C Lot 03 - furnishings/completion for the new ECB premises (building cleaning)
Notice : (nep_po-110322-for-pmn-t111c_03-cancellation_notice-published_oj)
- 15/03/2011
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2010
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice10)
- 08/03/2011
Contract Notice: Editing and Proof Reading of Documents Drafted in English and Related Services (2011/S 46-074222)
Notice : (074222_2011.en_ts)
- 02/03/2011
T 142 - supply of trees for the new ECB premises
Notice : (nep_po-110302-for-pmn_t142_contract_notice_oj)
- 02/03/2011
T 157 - kitchen furniture and appliances for the new ECB premises
Notice : (nep_po-110302-for-pmn_t157_contract_notice_oj)
- 15/02/2011
T099 relocation manager
Notice : (nep_po-110215-for-pmn_t099_contract_notice_oj)
- 09/02/2011
Cancellation notice: T113b - kitchen/fixed furniture/fit-out for the new ECB premises Lot 1 kitchen furniture and appliances
Notice : (20110209_cancellation_notice_t113b)
- 04/02/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for the upcoming procedure: Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Polish
Notice : (pl_voluntary_contract_notice_-_revised)
- 27/01/2011
Voluntary Contract Notice for the upcoming procedure: Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Bulgarian (Ref: ECB/17448/2011)
Notice : (bg_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 04/01/2011
Contract Notice: Supply, implement and maintain CAFM solution to support NEP FM processes (2011/S 1-000013)
Notice : (000013_2011.en_ts)
- 24/12/2010
Contract Notice: T153 - Weak-Current Installations, Security (KG450) — Communication Systems for the new ECB premises (2010/S 250-381929)
Notice : (381929)
- 23/12/2010
Contract Award Notice: T137 Repro Services for the New ECB Premises Project (2011/S 1-000012)
Notice : (ted__-101223-tab-pmn-t137_can_published_en)
- 22/12/2010
Contract Notice: Provision of travel services and handling of travel expenses (2010/S 248-377928)
Notice : (cn_provision_of_travel_services_and_handling_of_travel_expenses_11827)
- 15/12/2010
Cancellation Notice: T113A-Lot1 weak current installations, security (KG450) - communication systems for the NEW ECB Premises Project 2010/S 243-370426
Notice : (ted___-101215-for-pmn_t113a_los01_cancellation_en)
- 14/12/2010
Voluntary Contract Notice for the upcoming procedure: Consultancy Services for the Maintenance and Development of the Environmental Management System at the ECB (ref: 16969/A/PRE/2010)
Notice : (dgaeo-101108-con-contract_notice_procurement_consultancy_onew)
- 02/12/2010
Contract Notice: T111C - furnishings/completition for the New ECB Premises Project 2010/S357004
Notice : (chbl__-1011202-itt-pmn-t111c-cn_en)
- 30/11/2010
Contract Notice: T146 media technology planning 2010/S232-354012
Notice : (ted___101130-cn-pmn-t146_en)
- 27/10/2010
Contract Notice: T113B Kitchen/fixed furniture/fit out 2010/S209-318175
Notice : (ted___-101027-for-pmn-t113b-cn_en_final)
- 20/10/2010
Contract Notice: Negotiated Tender: Supply, implement and maintain CAFM software to support NEP FM - (2010/S 204-310072)
Notice : (2010-s_204-310072_-_cafm_software)
- 20/09/2010
Contract Notice: T114 External Works for the NEW ECB Premises 2010/S 182-276871
Notice : (oj___100918-mem-pmn-t114_contract_notice_en)
- 15/09/2010
Cancellation notice: T111A Lot 3 - general locksmith works
Notice : (oj____100915-fom-pmn-t111a-3_concellation_notice_en)
- 31/08/2010
Corrigendum - NEWRO - market study for new euro banknote technologies
Notice : (corrigendum_1_contract_notice_newro_2010_s_168_256471)
- 24/08/2010
Contract Notice: T112B - Fit Out 4 for the NEW ECB Premises 2010/S 163-249967
Notice : (ted__100824-tbl-pmn-t112b-cn_en)
- 24/08/2010
Contract Notice: T137 - Repro Services for the New ECB Premises - 2010/S 163-249966
Notice : (ted_100824-tpl-pmn-t137_cn_en)
- 18/08/2010
Corrigendum to Contract Notice: Provision of Personnel Placement and Supply Services Relating to IT Operational and Support Activities (2010/S 139-212894)
Notice : (2010-s_139-212894-2)
- 27/07/2010
Contract Notice: T111B - Fit out 3 for the New ECB Premises 2010/S 143-219210
Notice : (oj____100727_fom_pmn_t111b_cn_en)
- 21/07/2010
Contract Notice: Provision of personnel placement and supply services relating to IT Operational and support activities (2010/S 139-212894)
Notice : (2010-s_139-212894)
- 21/07/2010
Contract Notice: T052b - Furnishing planner 2010/S139 - 212893
Notice : (dreso_-100721-for-pmn_t052b_cn_published_en1)
- 07/07/2010
Contract Award Notice: T108 — technical building equipment (TBE) in the electrical field for the new ECB premises (2010/S 129-196251)
Notice : (oj__-100707-for-pmn_t108_can_final_en)
- 07/07/2010
Voluntary contract notice for upcoming procurement - freelance lawyer-linguists for Croatian
Notice : (hr_voluntary_contract_notice_july_2010)
- 07/07/2010
Contract Notice: Provision of Logistic Services, Office Supplies, Toner Cartridges and Branded Merchandise (2010/S 129-196250)
Notice : (2010_s_129_196250)
- 02/07/2010
Contract Award Notice: T104 - Facades for the new ECB premises (2010/S 134-204900)
Notice : (contract_award_nep_facade_204900)
- 01/07/2010
Voluntary contract notice for upcoming procurement - freelance lawyer-linguists for Romanian
Notice : (ro_voluntary_contract_notice)
- 16/06/2010
Voluntary contract notice for upcoming procurement - freelance lawyer-linguists for Slovak
Notice : (sk_voluntary_contract_notice_june_2010)
- 14/06/2010
Contract Notice: NEWRO - market study for new euro banknote technologies
Notice : (2010_s113__170762_newro_cn)
- 05/06/2010
Contract Notice: T112A - fit out 2 2010/S 108-163019
Notice : (oj___100605-tem-pmn-t112a-cn.en)
- 02/06/2010
Contract Notice: Multi-Source (360º) Feedback Exercise for Managers within the European Central Bank (2010/S 108-163020)
Notice : (2010s_108-163020)
- 28/05/2010
Contract notice - Copy and print centre services
Notice : (2010_s102_154051)
- 27/05/2010
Contract Award Notice: T105 - roofing for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (oj___100526-for-pmn-t105_can_en)
- 22/05/2010
Contract Notice: Communication management services (2010/S 99-148225)
Notice : (2010_s_99_148225)
- 19/05/2010
Contract Notice - Provision of exhibition stands and venue decoration
Notice : (2010_s_96_144132_)
- 19/05/2010
Contract Notice Corrigendum - Provision of exhibition stands and venue decoration
Notice : (2010_s_102_154052_corrg_2nd)
- 03/05/2010
Contract Notice T113A - technical building equipment (TBE) in the security technology field for the new ECB premises 2010/S 79-116818
Notice : (oj____-100423-for-pms_t113a_cn_en)
- 20/04/2010
Contract Award Noticve: ECB-T103 conveying (lifts) for the new ECB premises 2010/S 75-111072
Notice : (t103_can_published_en)
- 10/04/2010
Examining Medical Services (2010/S 70-104103)
Notice : (2010-s_70_104103)
- 10/04/2010
Occupational Safety and Health Services (2010/S 70-104102)
Notice : (2010-s_70_104102)
- 29/03/2010
Contract Award Notice: ECB T101 structural works for the new ECB premises 2010/S 70-104101
Notice : (t101_-_publication_100410)
- 20/03/2010
PIN: ECB - execution of building works 2010/S 56-082259
Notice : (ted_100322_tpl_pin_t111_t114_en)
- 18/03/2010
Surveys on the Access to Finance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SAFE) (2010/S 54-079183)
Notice : (2010-s_54_079183)
- 15/03/2010
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 January to 31 December 2009
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice09)
- 01/03/2010
Contract award notice Tender: ECB - T102 — site infrastructure for the new ECB premises 2010/S 41-059164
Notice : (works_contract_award_059164-2010_en)
- 01/03/2010
Contract award notice: T110 — security services for construction site surveillance 2010/S 41-059165
Notice : (service_contract_contract_award_059165-2010_en1)
- 26/02/2010
Voluntary Contract Notice for Upcoming Procurement Procedure - Freelance Lawyer-Linguits for French Ref. ECB/13519/2010
Notice : (voluntary_contract_notice_-_freelancers_fr_court_cases_and_general_ja)
- 16/02/2010
Call for applications for inclusion in a list of suppliers for the delivery and maintenance of audio media equipment
Notice : (call_for_applications-list_of_suppliers_-_audia_media_equipments)
- 16/02/2010
Provision of filming, video post-production and webcast services for the European Central Bank (2010/S 32-045146)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_045146-2010_en)
- 16/02/2010
Companies accepted onto the List of Suppliers for the Delivery and Maintenance of Audio Media Equipment
Notice : (companies_accepted_onto_the_list_of_suppliers_for_the_delivery_and_maintenance_of_audio_media_equipment)
- 13/02/2010
Provision of specialised photographic services for the European Central Bank (2010/S 31-043240)
Notice : (cn_photo_services2010_s_31-043240)
- 06/02/2010
ECB - T108 – technical building equipment (TBE) in the electrical field for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2010/S 26-036070 Lot 7: weak-current installations — guidance systems - Incomplete procedure
Notice : (dreso_-100210-ten-pmn_t108_los_07_corrigendum_cancellation_published_en)
- 19/01/2010
Editing of legal documents drafted in English and related services (2010/S 12-014124)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_014124-2010_en)
- 16/12/2009
T130 electrical power supply on site - 2009/S 241-343725
Notice : (t130_cn_final_published_en)
- 05/12/2009
T131 - site supervision of soil mechanics 2009/S 235-335311
Notice : (oj___091205_ten_t131_contract_notice)
- 05/10/2009
Contract Award Notice: T109 - Construction Manager (2009/S187-268150)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_award_268150-2009_en)
- 01/10/2009
Tender for the supply and maintenance of server hardware and operating systems (2009/S 189-271230)
Notice : (contract_notice_11804)
- 23/07/2009
Provision of monitoring services for the printed press, radio, TV and social media (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 139-202205
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_202205-2009_en)
- 11/07/2009
ECB - T106 — height-access systems for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) 2009/S 131-190221 Incomplete procedure
Notice : (works_additional_information_190221-2009_en)
- 06/07/2009
Supply and maintenance of IT end-user hardware and software (2009/S 136-197880)
Notice : (contract_notice_197880-2009_en)
- 16/06/2009
Multimedia educational assets (Flash applications: games, quizzes, simulations,etc.); lot 1: design and implementation; lot 2: conceptual creation (2009/S 113-161984)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_161984-2009_en)
- 27/05/2009
Provision of special technical services by specialised staff for the ECB Premises Division (2009/S 100-143843)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_143843-2009_en)
- 23/05/2009
Actuarial services for the ECB pension arrangements (2009/S 98-140287)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_140287-2009_en1)
- 06/05/2009
T110 - security services for construction site surveillance OJ 2009/S 86-123029
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_123029-2009_en)
- 25/04/2009
ECB - T104 - facades for the New ECb Premises OJ 2009/S 80-114310
Notice : (works_contract_notice_114310-2009_en)
- 15/04/2009
Notice : (cs_cpo)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (el_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (bg_cpo_vn_2)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (cs_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (da_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (de_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (es_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (hu_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (lt_cpo_vn_2)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (lv_cpo_vn_2)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (mt_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (pl_cpo_vn_2)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (ro_cpo_vn)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (sk_cpo_vn_2)
- 01/04/2009
Notice : (sl_cpo_vn_2)
- 28/03/2009
T103 — conveying machinery (lifts) for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 41-058684
Notice : (t103_english)
- 24/03/2009
T106 — height-access systems for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 57-081473 - CORRIGENDUM
Notice : (t106_corrigendum_english)
- 21/03/2009
T107 – technical building equipment (TBE) in the mechanical field for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 56-079772
Notice : (t107_english)
- 21/03/2009
T108 – technical building equipment (TBE) in the electrical field for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 56-079773
Notice : (t108_english)
- 15/03/2009
Contracts awarded without publication of a notice – 1 August 2007 to 31 December 2008
Notice : (contractsawardedwithoutpublicationofanotice07_08)
- 12/03/2009
T105 - roofing for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 48-068764
Notice : (oj____-090310-ten_cn_published_en)
- 03/03/2009
T106 — travelling machinery for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 42-060093
Notice : (t106_english)
- 28/02/2009
T102 — refurbishment and development works for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)- 2009/S 41-058683
Notice : (t102_english)
- 18/02/2009
T101 — structural works for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2009/S 32-045864
Notice : (t101_english)
- 29/01/2009
Childcare Mediation Services for the ECB
Notice : (2009s_19-025732_mediation_service_for_childcare_en)
- 27/01/2009
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers - Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Estonian
Notice : (freelancer_for_estonian_2009)
- 27/01/2009
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers - Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Slovenian
Notice : (freelancer_for_slovenian_2009)
- 26/01/2009
Prior Information Notice - Execution of builing works - 2009/S 16-021436
Notice : (works_prior_information_notice_021436-2009_en)
- 13/01/2009
Corrigendum to the German text of the T109-Construction Manager tender
Notice : (nep_po-090116-ten_t109_cn_corrigendum_en)
- 02/01/2009
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers - Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Dutch
Notice : (freelancer_nl2009)
- 27/12/2008
ECB - T109 Construction Manager – Coordination of construction works and site supervision for the New ECB Premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (ten_t109)
- 04/12/2008
Companies accepted onto the List of Suppliers of Administrative and Secretarial Temporary Labour
Notice : (list_of_suppliers-updated)
- 25/11/2008
The ECB is seeking companies that wish to participate in a procurement procedure for a Human Digital Assistant (HDA) avatar for multi-modal, multi-channel, self-service and customer care.
Notice : (hda_avatar_25-11-08)
- 11/10/2008
ECB - maintenance of the website design (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)- 2008/S 198-260614
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_260614-2008_en)
- 29/08/2008
ECB - Negotiated tender procedure for the operation of an extended custodial inventory programme for euro banknotes (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)2008/S 167-223855
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_223855-2008_en)
- 23/08/2008
Framework Agreement for the provision of consultancy services for the project Target 2 Securities (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (service_contract_contract_notice_219472-2008_en)
- 02/07/2008
Contract Notice: Consultancy services for art, culture and related communication activities
Notice : (2008s126167127)
- 16/05/2008
Call for Inclusion on the List of Registered Suppliers - Freelance Lawyer-Linguists for Bulgarian - Ref: 7810/L/LLI/2008
Notice : (vacancy_notice_for_freelance_lawyerlinguists_for_bulgarian)
- 12/04/2008
Contract Notice: Interpreting Services
Notice : (2008s72096054_2cn)
- 08/04/2008
Contract Award Notice: T069 Preliminary Works
Notice : (oj___080408_for_t069_can_en)
- 08/04/2008
Contract Award Notice: T081 Disposal of Soil
Notice : (oj___080408_for_t081_can_en)
- 04/04/2008
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers-freelance lawyer-linguists for Czech - 7397/L/LLI/2008
Notice : (cs_freelancer_vacancy_notice)
- 22/03/2008
Cancellation: Interpreting Services
Notice : (2008s58077367cancellation)
- 06/03/2008
ECB - Framework contract for network, WLAN, security and WDM components including services (D-Frankfurt-on-Main) - 2008/S 41-056148
Notice : (2008s41056148)
- 15/02/2008
Contract award notice: Supply of Advertising Services Related to Recruitment
Notice : (2008s32042635)
- 12/02/2008
Contract notice: removal of ECB staff members on appointment and termination of service
Notice : (s29038098)
- 11/02/2008
Contract notice: crisis management and crisis communication services
Notice : (s28036705)
- 01/02/2008
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers-freelance lawyer-linguists for French: 6754/L/LLI/2008
Notice : (final_vacancynoticeforfreelancelawyer-linguistsfr)
- 01/02/2008
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers-freelance lawyer-linguists for Latvian: 6755/L/LLI/2008
Notice : (vacancynoticeforfreelancelawyerlinguistsforlatvian)
- 25/01/2008
Request for Proposal: Security Services
Notice : (ft)
- 21/12/2007
Call for expression of interest regarding consultancy services for the implementation of an environmental framework
Notice : (6370apre07)
- 12/12/2007
Contract Award Notice ECB - Integrated Communications Agency
Notice : (ted___071213_prc_t013_contract_award_notice)
- 22/10/2007
Contract Notice: T081 Transportation and disposal of soil
Notice : (oj___071022_ten_t081_disposal_soil_cn)
- 20/09/2007
Call for inclusion on the list of registered suppliers freelance translators: Portuguese 5277/SL/LGS/2007
Notice : (vn_pt_freelancer_sept_07)
- 13/09/2007
Call for inclusion of the list of registered suppliers freelance translators:Spanish 5271/SL/LGS/2007
Notice : (vn_es_freelancer_sept_07)
- 08/09/2007
Contract notice: Interpreting services
Notice : (2007_s_173_212029)
- 30/08/2007
Contract Notice: Social Counselling Services
Notice : (2007s165204025)
- 23/08/2007
Contract Notice: T070 general contractor for construction of the new ECB premises
Notice : (oj_ten_cnt070)
- 07/08/2007
Contract Award Notice: printing and ancillary services for the official publications
Notice : (2007s_150-185855)
- 26/07/2007
Contract Notice: fixed and mobile communication services for the European Central Bank
Notice : (26072007_2007_s142-175582)
- 25/07/2007
Contract Notice:T069 preliminary works for the new ECB premises
Notice : (oj___070725_for_t069cn_publication)
- 23/07/2007
Contract Award Notice: Chemical Analysis of Raw Materials and Future Banknotes and Reporting on Results
Notice : (2007s138169555)
- 13/07/2007
Notice : (final_vn_lux_freelancer)
- 12/07/2007
Corrigendum: Consultancy and organisation of the ECB annual photography award, photographic exhibitions and other exhibitions
Notice : (2007s131159904)
- 12/07/2007
Call for Inclusion on the list of registered suppliers freelance Translators: Dutch 4330/SL/TRA/2007
Notice : (final_vn_nl_freelancer)
- 10/07/2007
Prior Information Notice: T070 - General Contractor for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (cpo___ten-070710-pintender070)
- 10/07/2007
Contract Award Notice: Consultancy services for blast mitigation and non progressive collapse for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (t050_can)
- 04/07/2007
Contract Notice: The Supply of Copying and Printing Paper
Notice : (2007s126153553)
- 02/07/2007
Contract Notice: consultancy and organisation of the ECB annual photography award, photographic exhibition and other exhibitions
Notice : (2007s124150876)
- 15/06/2007
Corrigendum: Contract for independent external auditing of the European Central Bank for the period 2008-2012
Notice : (corr_2007_s113_138614)
- 14/06/2007
Companies accepted onto the List of Suppliers of Administrative and Secretarial Temporary Labour
Notice : (agency_staff_)
- 14/06/2007
Call for expressions of interest for the establishment of a list of providers of Administrative and Secretarial Temporary Labour
Notice : (2007s120146453-new)
- 06/06/2007
Prior Information Notice: Remote Access Communication Services
Notice : (06062007_2007_s106_129903_pin)
- 05/06/2007
Contract notice: Contract for independent external auditing of the European Central Bank for the period of 2008-2012
Notice : (2007s105128666)
- 25/05/2007
Contract Award Notice: ECB - Supply of Stationary Material
Notice : (2007_s99_120894)
- 27/04/2007
Contract Notice: Supply of Advertising Services related to Recruitment
Notice : (2007_s_82_099426)
- 23/04/2007
Corrigendum: Mailing House Services and Storage of Publications for the European Central Bank
Notice : (corrigendum_2007_s76_092223)
- 12/04/2007
Contract Notice: Mailing House Services and Storage of Publications for the European Central Bank
Notice : (2007_s71_086331)
- 12/04/2007
Corrigendum: Tender 074 External Controller for the New ECB Premises project
Notice : (corrigendum_2007_s71_086332)
- 05/04/2007
Contract Notice: Tender 074 External Controller for the New ECB Premises project
Notice : (2007_s_67_081007)
- 04/04/2007
Corrigendum: Mailing House Services and Storage of Publications for the European Central Bank
Notice : (2007_s66_079802)
- 28/03/2007
Corrigendum: Procurement of securities and price data for the Centralised Securities Database (CSDB) administered by the ESCB
Notice : (2007s60072765)
- 13/02/2007
Contract Notice: ECB - Consultancy services for the TremaSuite (FinanceKit) System
Notice : (2007_s30_035418)
- 29/01/2007
Contract Notice: Provision of letting services of short-stay furnished accommodation for the staff of the European Central Bank
Notice : (2007s19021307)
- 20/01/2007
Award notice: Planning and consultancy for health and safety co-ordination for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2007s14015176)
- 13/01/2007
Information Notice: Tender O64 ECB - Facade Mock-up (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2007_s9-009011)
- 16/12/2006
Contract Notice:Consultancy services for blast mitigation and non progressive collapse for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (2006_s_240_255966)
- 15/12/2006
Award notice: Provision of an ESCB XML data integration (EXDI) solution for the European Systems of Central Banks (ESCB)
Notice : (2006s239254683)
- 13/12/2006
Contract notice: Mailing House Services and Storage of Publications
Notice : (2006s237252772)
- 12/12/2006
Award notice: Consultancy services for blast mitigation for the new ECB Premises
Notice : (2006s236251666)
- 04/12/2006
Contract Notice: Managing a combined/comprehensive project insurance (CPI) including steering and expert controlling and handling of claims for the new ECB Premises
Notice : (2006s228243955)
- 29/11/2006
Award Notice: Provision of IT consultancy and IT development services
Notice : (2006s227242772)
- 24/11/2006
Award Notice: Services for security, operations and maintenance, cleaning and waste disposal
Notice : (2006_s224_239636)
- 28/10/2006
Contract Notice: Insurance services for a combined/comprehensive project insurance for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2006_s207-219850)
- 28/10/2006
Contract Notice: Printing and Ancillary Service for the Official Publications of the ECB
Notice : (2006s207219851)
- 17/10/2006
NEGOTIATED TENDER - tender 013 Integrated Communications Agency
Notice : (2006s198209676)
- 13/10/2006
Award Notice: Provision of independent assessment services for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2006s196207616_2)
- 13/10/2006
Award Notice: Independent Assessment services for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2006s196207616)
- 24/08/2006
NEGOTIATED TENDER - procurement of securities reference and price data for the Centralised Securities Database (CSDB) administered by the ESCB
Notice : (2006s160171882)
- 19/07/2006
Provision of quantitative and qualitative research
Notice : (2006s13543939)
- 18/07/2006
Consultancy services for blast mitigation for the New ECB Premises
Notice : (2006s134143204)
- 18/07/2006
Consultancy services for legal advice for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2006s134143203)
- 24/06/2006
Automated measuring equipment for the infrared properties of euro banknotes
Notice : (2006s118124934)
- 17/06/2006
Corrigendum Consultancy on a Health and Safety risk Assessment of Euro Banknotes
Notice : (2006s144120963)
- 14/06/2006
Consultancy on a Health and Safety risk Assessment of euro banknotes
Notice : (2006s111118116)
- 14/06/2006
Corrigendum -Negotiated tender procedure for the operation of a pilot extended custodial inventory programme for euro banknotes
Notice : (2006s111118117)
- 23/05/2006
CORRIGENDUM - planning and consultancy services for health and safety coordination for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2006s97103169)
- 13/05/2006
Negotiated tender procedure for the operation of a pilot extended custodial inventory programme for eurobank notes
Notice : (2006s91096829)
- 06/05/2006
Open tender for the provision of TV Services related to the monthly press conferences of the ECB and for the provision of the web-cast services (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2006s87091313)
- 02/05/2006
Planning and consultancy services for health and safety co-ordination for the new ECB premises
Notice : (200688277)
- 24/04/2006
Corrigendum to the provision of independant assessment services for the new ECB premises
Notice : (corrigendum2006s76079380)
- 20/04/2006
ACCELERATED procedure for the provision of independent assessment services for the new ECB premises (NEP)
Notice : (2006s76079380)
- 10/04/2006
ACCELERATED procedure for the provision of an ESCB XML data integration (EXDI) solution for the European System of Central Banks (ESCB)
Notice : (2006s69071465)
- 18/03/2006
Automated Quality Control System for future euro banknotes Series
Notice : (2006s54055677)
- 17/03/2006
Supply of Stationery material
Notice : (2006s53054753)
- 20/12/2005
ECB - computer and related services (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s244240305)
- 29/11/2005
ECB restricted tender for the provision of services for the Fitness Facility of the European Central Bank D Frankfurt on Main
Notice : (2005s229225541)
- 27/09/2005
ECB Letting services of short stay furnished accomodation D Frankfurt am Main
Notice : (2005s186182960)
- 03/09/2005
negotiated tender for the provision of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for the ECB (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s170168525)
- 19/08/2005
ECB Medical and dental comprehensive insurance plan(D-Frankfurt am Main
Notice : (2005s159158329)
- 27/07/2005
Selection of an agent for an Automatic Securities Lending Programme (ASLP) for part of the ECB’s USD portfolio (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s143142087)
- 20/07/2005
Negotiated tender for the provision of IT consultancy and IT development services to the European Central Bank (ECB) (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s137135354)
- 28/06/2005
Updated - Call for expression of interest realated to the deployment of SAP services
Notice : (2005s122119872)
- 14/06/2005
ECB-Production and distribution of an educational tool (D-Frankfurt am Main)
Notice : (2005s113111523)
- 20/05/2005
Expert Services for wind Expertise for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2005s96094765)
- 20/05/2005
Consultancy Services for building physics for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2005s96094766)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - consulting services for security integrator for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058367)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for building automation for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058366)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for facade for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058364)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, sanitary including fire extinguishing technology and cooling for kitchen technology for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058363)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for high voltage power systems for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058362)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for kitchen technology for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058361)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for lift systems for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058365)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for low voltage power and security systems for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058369)
- 26/03/2005
ECB - planning services for media technology systems for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058360)
- 25/03/2005
ECB - planning services for passive telecommunication and IT cabling for the new ECB premises (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2005s61058368)
- 12/03/2005
Call for expressions of interest for the provision of goods and services for the implementation of an electronic document and records management system
Notice : (2005s51048559)
- 02/03/2005
Corrigendum-Planning services for the outdoor facilities and landscape design fot the new premises
Notice : (2005s43040830)
- 08/02/2005
Tender for Ground Survey Services for the new ECB premises Frankfurtam Main
Notice : (2005s27025343)
- 08/02/2005
Tender for Non public Infrastructure services for the new ECB Premises Frankfurt am Main
Notice : (2005s27025342)
- 08/02/2005
Tender for planning services for outdoor facilities and landscape design for the new ECB Premises Frankfurt am Main
Notice : (2005s27025341)
- 08/02/2005
Tender for Soil mechanical services for the New ECB Premises Frankfurt am Main
Notice : (2005s27025340)
- 08/02/2005
Tender for fire protection services for the new ECB premises Frankfurt am Main
Notice : (2005s27025339)
- 08/02/2005
Corrigendum -Soil Mechanical services for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2005s31029335)
- 08/02/2005
Corrigendum-Fire protection services for the new ECB Premises
Notice : (2005s31029334)
- 08/02/2005
Corrigendum-Ground survey services for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2005s31029333)
- 08/02/2005
Corrigendum - Planning Services for outdoor facilities and landscape design for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2005s31029332)
- 08/02/2005
Corrigendum - Non public infrastructure services for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2005s31029331)
- 27/10/2004
Negotiated tender for the provision of IT operation and support services
Notice : (2004s210179752)
- 19/08/2004
Tender for travel Agency Services
Notice : (2004s161139258)
- 14/08/2004
Call for expressions of interest for the design, development and/or maintenance of complex web-based applications (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s158136743)
- 13/08/2004
Tender for the Financial Market Data Bank Project (FMDB Project)
Notice : (2004s157135865)
- 27/07/2004
Supply of tamper evident plastic sealing tape (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s144123446)
- 16/07/2004
Tender for security, operations and maintenance, biological pest control, cleaning service and waste disposal (D-Frankfurt-on-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s137116759)
- 01/07/2004
Tender for the procurement of a private mobile radio system (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s126106139)
- 29/06/2004
Tender procedure for the provision of catering services to the ECB (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s124104413)
- 11/06/2004
Tender for testing and other work in the context of the FinanceKIT 6.x upgrade at the ECB (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s121101574)
- 11/06/2004
Corrigendum - Tender for testing and other work in the context of the FinanceKIT 6.x upgrade at the ECB (D-Frankfurt-on-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (2004s0121101574)
- 13/03/2004
Invitation to tender for services of a business continuity test coordinator (1 person)
Notice : (2004s52044034)
- 07/02/2004
Tender notice for the supply of personal computers and servers, desktop printers, various standard software packages and associated personal computing hardware components and devices
Notice : (2004s2723142)
- 28/01/2004
Provision of services in various technical, conceptual and organisational tasks pertaining to photographic activities of the Directorate Communications
Notice : (2004s1915668)
- 06/12/2003
Restricted tender procedure for the cleaning services for the premises of the ECB
Notice : (2003s236210055)
- 15/10/2003
Rental, maintenance and associated services of photocopiers
Notice : (2003s198177730)
- 06/09/2003
Establishment of a list of consulting companies to provide human resources management consultancy services
Notice : (2003s171155171)
- 29/07/2003
Negotiated tender for overall project management services and advice for the construction of the ECB's new premises
Notice : (2003s143129334)
- 15/07/2003
Call for expressions of interest for the establishment of a list of investment managers and custodians for the ECB retirement plan
Notice : (2003s133119100)
- 11/07/2003
Electronic press review
Notice : (2003s131117203)
- 25/06/2003
Call for expression of interest in providing data feeds for the Centralised Securities Database (CSDB) of the European Central Bank
Notice : (2003s1191062450)
- 11/06/2003
Contracting and consulting companies to support IT projects
Notice : (2003s11098095)
- 20/03/2003
Consultants to provide consultancy services for the management of information supply (business and financial market information)
Notice : (2003s56048100)
- 04/03/2003
Restricted procedure (services) for the provision of hardware support for Intel based server systems
Notice : (2003s4437448)
- 20/02/2003
Negotiated tender for the quality, risk and security managementframework(QRS-MF) for a project building a pan European network (services)
Notice : (2003s3629515)
- 18/01/2003
Restricted tender for the supply of hardware, software and related maintenance services for the data network of the European system of central banks (ESCB-Net)
Notice : (2003s139154)
- 17/12/2002
Negotiated tender for the provision of a solution and relevant services for resource and activity planning and tracking
Notice : (2002s244193908)
- 27/11/2002
Consultants/Consulting companies to provide services within the framework website development project
Notice : (2002s230182612)
- 26/11/2002
Urban planning and architectural design competition for the new ECB premises
Notice : (2002s229181820)
- 12/11/2002
Supply of Sun Solaris systems
Notice : (2000s226145977)
- 12/11/2002
Supply of Sun Solaris systems
Notice : (2002s219173615)
- 08/10/2002
Consulting Companies to provide consultancy services for task planning and monitoring
Notice : (2002s2181726280)
- 01/08/2002
Restricted procedure for external audit services
Notice : (2002s148117125)
- 11/07/2002
Strategic consultancy - information systems
Notice : (2002s133103710)
- 06/07/2002
Tender notice for the supply of services related to an information and education package on ''The advantages of price stability
Notice : (2002s130101215)
- 06/07/2002
Restricted tender procedure for the development and production of a general video for visitor groups welcomed at and by the ECB (Tool A) and reportage for TV stations (Tool B)
Notice : (2002s130101216)
- 03/07/2002
Group accident insurance
Notice : (2002s12798636)
- 16/06/2002
Restricted tender for the provision of pan-European network
Notice : (2002s136106099)
- 21/03/2002
Advertising services related to recruitment
Notice : (2002s57044105)
- 21/02/2002
Tender for personal computers and servers, desktop printers, various standard software packages and associated personal computing hardware components and devices
Notice : (2002s3728341)
- 14/11/2001
Security guarding services
Notice : (2001s219150324)
- 10/07/2001
House printer
Notice : (2001s153105509)
- 27/06/2001
Consultancy services
Notice : (2001s14398147)
- 02/12/2000
Provision of accommodation search services for new staff of the ECB
Notice : (2000s2320149530)
- 25/10/2000
Procedure for the supply and customisation of pensions administration software to support the administration of the ECB retirement plan
Notice : (2000s205131841)
- 02/10/2000
Procedure for the development and implementation of the centralized securities database system
Notice : (2000s210135425)
- 13/07/2000
Actuarial services
Notice : (2000s13285906)
- 12/07/2000
Securities lending agent Custodian
Notice : (2000s13185152)
- 24/06/2000
For the supply of a software package to automate financial reconciliation procedures
Notice : (2000s11977447)
- 31/05/2000
Provision, installation, customisation of PABX telephone facilities, their maintenance, service and the further development of voice communications systems
Notice : (2000s10468304)
- 09/03/2000
Office furniture
Notice : (2000s4830291)
- 30/11/1999
Set-up and operation of a childcare facility (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (1999s232160750)
- 23/11/1999
Accelerated restricted procedure for the supply of the functional specifications for the future coins and banknotes counterfeit monitoring system
Notice : (1999s249205976)
- 23/10/1999
Clearing agent (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (1999s207145968)
- 23/10/1999
Acquisition of medical insurance (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (1999s207146403)
- 14/07/1999
Maintenance of mailing-list database and publications mailing services (DFrankfurt-
Notice : (1999s134101905)
- 19/05/1999
Computer equipment (D-Frankfurt-on-Main)
Notice : (1999s9666927)
- 23/04/1999
Accelerated restricted procedure for the supply of hardware encryption units for public X.25 communications
Notice : (1999s8056606)
- 14/04/1999
Retirement plan Accelerated restricted procedure for the supply and customisation of a computerised occupational pensions administration system
Notice : (1999s7251326)
- 12/02/1999
Contract to prepare and execute a European-wide publicity campaign concerning the introduction of the new euro banknotes
Notice : (1999s3018207)