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The ECB Podcast Summer School #2: A day in the life of a banking supervisor

What does a day in the life of a banking supervisor look like? How does one become a supervisor? And why does no one care about them – until things go wrong, that is!

In our second Summer School episode, our host Stefania Secola speaks to Ramón Quintana Aguirre, who heads the supervision of the largest euro area banks.

Published on 17 August 2024 and recorded on 16 July 2024.

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What is the typical background of a banking supervisor?

Why did our guest decide to pursue this career? And what kind of qualifications and work experience do supervisors usually have?

What do supervisors expect from the banks they supervise?

Do banks have enough capital and strong governance structures in place? And what do we do when banks aren’t properly managing their risks?

Why is the work of a banking supervisor so relevant?

If banks fail, people’s lives are directly affected. So why does banking supervision only make the news when things go wrong, but never when they succeed?

What does a day in the life of a banking supervisor look like?

From coming into the office to meeting with colleagues, managers and bank CEOs – what’s a typical day in banking supervision?

Why is supervising banks much more than just sitting at a desk?

Engaging with bankers, supervisors and executives from all over Europe – the work of a banking supervisor may be more people-oriented than you think.

How do supervisors stay on top of things?

The world in which we operate is changing. What role does training and recruitment play in helping banks face new risks?

Our guest’s hot tip

Ramón Quintana Aguirre shares his hot tip with our listeners.

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