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What does it take to change a currency?

Croatia adopted the euro on 1 January. What did people, businesses and national authorities do to ensure a smooth transition to the euro?

Our host Katie Ranger looks at the currency changeover with expert Patricia Roa Tejero on The ECB Podcast.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily of the European Central Bank.

Published on 28 January 2023 and recorded on 20 January 2023.

In this episode
Our guest’s personal experience of the euro changeover in Spain
Banknotes and coins: from kuna to euro

What goes into producing new euro banknotes, how the process differs for euro coins and how Croatia distributed them.

Euro starter kits

What’s inside a euro starter kit and why they’re useful for people and businesses.

How to get used to a new currency

How Croatia is dealing with the transition from kuna to euro, what dual pricing is, and where and how Croatians can exchange banknotes and coins.

Our guest’s hot tip

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