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Information on gold sales during the third year of the Central Bank Gold Agreement

10 October 2007

The total gold sales by the signatories to the Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA) amounted to 475.75 tonnes during the third year of the agreement, i.e. in the period of 12 months starting on 27 September 2006 and ending on 26 September 2007.

As a reminder the agreement calls for total gold sales not to exceed 500 tonnes for each of the successive periods of twelve months until 26 September 2009.

The signatories of the agreement are the following central banks: European Central Bank, Banka Slovenije, Banca d’Italia, Banco de España, Banco de Portugal, Bank of Greece, Banque centrale du Luxembourg, Banque de France, Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique, Deutsche Bundesbank, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland, De Nederlandsche Bank, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Suomen Pankki, Schweizerische Nationalbank and Sveriges Riksbank.


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