Fiscal policy and climate change
Joint workshop of the ECB’s Fiscal Policies Division and the Climate Change Centre
Tuesday, 20 September 2022, Frankfurt am Main – by invitation only
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss how fiscal policy can effectively mitigate climate change, how climate change impacts public finances, and to investigate the interaction between monetary and fiscal policies in this context. Rick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford) will deliver a keynote speech.
- 8:30
- 9:00
- 9:15
Session 1: Green fiscal policies on the expenditure side
Session chair: Oscar Arce, European Central Bank
Environmental subsidies to mitigate transition risk
Eric Jondeau, University of Lausanne
Discussant: Massimiliano Pisani, Banca d’Italia
- 10:15
- 10:45
Session 2: Behavioural and distributional aspects of carbon taxation
Session chair: John Caruana, Central Bank of Malta
Households' energy demand and carbon taxation in Italy
Luciano Lavecchia, Banca d’Italia
Discussant: Jirka Slacalek, European Central Bank
- 11:45
The behavioral effects of carbon taxes - experimental evidence
Manuel Grieder, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Discussant: Maria Sole Pagliari, Banque de France
- 12:45
- 14:00
Keynote speech: Obstacles and the need for radical climate policies
Rick van der Ploeg, University of Oxford
Chair: Irene Heemskerk, European Central Bank
- 15:00
- 15:30
Session 3: Global efficiency implications of carbon taxation
Session chair: Ettore Dorrucci, European Central Bank
On the geographic implications of carbon taxes
Bruno Conte, University of Bologna
Discussant: Mar Delgado Tellez, European Central Bank
- 16:30
The great carbon arbitrage
Alissa Kleinnijenhuis, Stanford University
Discussant: Patrick Grüning, Bank of Latvia
- 17:30
End of workshop
This programme may be subject to change without notice.
Time allocation: 30 minutes for each paper presenter, 15 minutes for each discussant, and 15 minutes for a general discussion.
Presentations will be posted on this webpage after the event.
General information
European Central Bank
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Conference language
- Jacopo Cimadomo, DG Economics/Fiscal Policies
- Marien Ferdinandusse, DG Economics/Fiscal Policies
- Carolin Nerlich, Climate Change Centre
- Simone Suckfüll, DG Economics/Fiscal Policies