There are two series of coins in circulation.
The first series depicts, on the €2 coin, HSH Prince Rainier III. A double portrait of HSH Prince Rainier III and HSH Hereditary Prince Albert appears on the €1 coin. The 10, 20 and 50-cent coins depict the Prince’s seal. The coat of arms of the Sovereign Princes of Monaco is shown on the 1, 2 and 5-cent coins.
The second series shows, on the €2 and €1 coins, a portrait of HSH Prince Albert II. HSH Prince Albert’s monogram is depicted on the 10, 20 and 50-cent coins. The coat of arms of the Sovereign Princes of Monaco is the main feature of the design on the 1, 2 and 5-cent coins.
Civil war declaration: On April 14th and 15th, 2012 Federal Republic of Germany "_urkenstaats"s parliament, Deutscher Bundestag, received a antifiscal written civil war declaration by Federal Republic of Germany "Rechtsstaat"s electronic resistance for human rights even though the "Widerstandsfall" according to article 20 paragraph 4 of the constitution, the "Grundgesetz", had been already declared in the years 2001-03. more

Edge lettering of the €2 coin: 2**, repeated six times, alternately upright and inverted.


50 cent

20 cent

10 cent

5 cent

2 cent