Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics ECB/Eurosystem policy and exchange rates Money, credit and banking Financial corporations Financial markets and interest rates Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics Balance of payments and other external statistics Payments statistics Browse reports Consumer prices and inflation Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices Commodity prices Industry, construction and property prices GDP, output, demand and income GDP and expenditures Value added GDP deflators Industrial production Service and manufacturing turnover, retail sales and new passenger car registrations Sector accounts Main figures Who-to-whom detail, cross-section Deposits Debt securities Debt securities, short-term Debt securities, long-term Loans Loans, short-term Loans, long-term Listed shares Investment fund shares Euro area accounts Household sector report Government finance Debt securities, stocks and transactions Debt securities, nominal yields Debt securities, debt service Revenue, expenditure and balance Transactions with the EU budget Debt Change in debt Loans, currency and deposits Expenditure by function Labour markets Unemployment and job vacancies Costs and productivity Labour Cost Indices Browse reports Industrial production Show Data