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Níl an t-ábhar seo ar fáil i nGaeilge.

Successfully tested types of banknote handling machine

When is a device added or removed from the lists?

Only those types of banknote handling machine that have passed a test at a national central bank (NCB) and on which the manufacturer has provided the testing NCB with all requested information (see explanations below) are listed.

Information on machine types that have passed a test will be published here within one month following the date on which the respective test was completed.

Information about a test will be removed from the website after the expiry of 12 calendar months following the calendar month during which the test was completed, unless the machine type's ability to detect counterfeits has been retested by an NCB either in an annual test or in a retest on an ad hoc basis by an NCB, and has passed such a test.

Any failure of a retest by a machine type or any refusal by the manufacturer to present a machine type for a retest will likewise result in the prompt removal of information about the machine type and corresponding further machines from the list(s).

Any summary test reports on the tests that have been passed that the NCBs may provide to the manufacturers will only be valid in respect of the test conditions at the date of testing and as long as the test results are published on this website.

The absence of any indication that the machine supports the second series of euro banknotes does not mean that the machine will not be compatible with such banknotes. Users of banknote handling machines are invited to contact the manufacturers to check whether their machines will be compatible with the second series of banknotes.